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Journal: The #MeToo Movement; Witch Hunt Or Not?

Essay Instructions:

Journal Entries: You will write 10 journal entries over the course of the semester based on your course
readings. A successful journal entry typically consists of 300-500 words. In each entry, you will be asked
to summarize one or more readings and to respond to specific questions about the reading. Journal entries
should be submitted electronically through Blackboard before the start time of each class.
Write a journal entry on the #MeToo debate. A successful journal entry typically consists of 300-500 words. In your journal, be sure to do the following:
1. Summarize the highlights of the #MeToo movement, and synthesize the debate between the French women who wrote the “Anti-MeToo Manifesto” and David Perry, the author of “No, #MeToo is not a witch hunt.” Refer to the introduction and chapter 1 in They Say/I Say to help frame your summary/synthesis.
2. Write your personal response to the readings. What is your reaction to the two opposite opinions? Which aspects of them do you agree or disagree with? Is anything surprising or confusing to you?
3. Analyze how the texts are written and discuss how you think they can help you improve your writing. What features of language, style, or organization of the texts will you try to use in your writing?
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January 28, 2018
The #MeToo Movement; Witch-hunt or not?
For the past five years, it is apparent that the number of women who became victims of Sexual assaults and voiced out their opinions have constantly increased. From housewives, to pop stars, and even to high-ranking officials in the government, a lot of the proponents of the #MeToo movement are now moving forward, not only to support sexual victims but to supposedly “end” sexual violence. However, despite its noble cause, one of the problems of the movement that is still heavily debated about is whether it would really end sexual violence, not to say, define sexual violence for what it really is.
In light of the Weinstein Scandal, where film Mogul Harey Weinstein has allegedly reported a lot of women, it is clear that sexual violence happened and that it has raised awareness all over the world. Yet, opinion in this awareness differs from each and every one on the planet. In an article written by Catherine Deneuve, entitled The Anti-#MeToo Movement Manifesto, she and her other signatories have argued that instead of doing good for women and other victims all over the world, the actions and beliefs of the said movement entrench them as victims rather than agents of sexual freedom. The argument continues stating that the reason why this call to action becomes synonymous to a witch-hunt is because the idea of sexual assault only hinges on the idea that she felt “assaulted”, thus creating the dilemma as to whether the assault is really an offense or was just a “clumsy attempt to pick someone up”. In response to this stateme...
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