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The Limit To Duty And Relevance Today’s Issues In The American News

Essay Instructions:

Read this essay and choose one question that's given(At the end of the article) to write a 4-paragraph essay。

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The limit to duty and relevance today’s issues in the American news
The standard of conduct influence how public officials act since their duties are clearly veined, but even evil is common when people adhere to the rules. The systems of organizations have reduced the importance of human input as the systems are supreme (Reich 7). Merely following laws is not enough as people increasingly may commit evil when they perform their duties as expected (Reich 2). The writer mentions the case of Captain Calley who shot Vietnamese civilians indiscriminately during the Vietnam War, but he was then partially pardoned by President Nixon despite his actions. Even for those faithfully executing their duties when the outcomes are unexpected, they are held responsible. Reich’s article is relevant in presenting how the focus on duty and reporting can often skew information on politics and the social issues in the U.S.
Media coverage of crime is prevalent and this is especially when they are extreme cases from the traditional media even updates on social media. For instance, cases of school shootings receive wider coverage and increase reporting on violence because there is increased interest. It is expected that newspapers, radio and the television will inform the viewers about happenings. However, as they compete to give much coverage to violence and crime they may at times fail in their duties and responsibilities. There is too much focus on events and not impact on those affected and even headlines are meant to be eye-catching and peculiar details about the perpetrators are uncovered. Viewers may even be desensitized because of the belief that there is too much violence that coverage focuses on few news items.
It is expected that American journalists will be accurate, clear, and fair when presenting inf...
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