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Mental Immunity. Dalai Lama. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

use 3 source from brave new world

the instruction in the attachment, follow it. It is a high school paper


Exploring the Concept of Mental Immunity
What do you think the Dalai Lama means here when he refers to a person’s “mental immunity”?
In what ways do his words in this passage connect to the major themes seen in Aldous Huxley’s dystopian classic, Brave New Worldf?
What does it take for humans to develop their mental immunity, and in what ways might you develop yours?Address these questions and provide original analysis in a three page


Address these questions and provide original analysis in a three page written discussion.
i6S, & 7 55
In making connections to the text, transcend the obvious. Go deeper in your analysis! Be sure to include at least three direct quotes to illustrate your points.Written Discussion Parameters:
o minimum of 3 pages in length (but no more than 6) o minimum of 3 direct quotes from BNW o MLA formatting. This includes:
proper header
last name / page number
proper in-text citations
a works cited page
o your words should reflect genuine thoughtfulness, time, and careful considerationI look forward to hearing what you have to say IV

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mental Immunity
Growth in human beings occurs in several stages adolescent or teenage stag being one of the most challenging. It is during g this stage that people tend to develop their personality (Lama 56-61). Hence behavioral formations take their course at this specific stage which most determines the type of person that somebody may become in the adult life. However, the behavior of a person is highly contributed by the relationship that they make with others. During the teenage stage, peer pressure a key factor which may greatly affect the way a person responds to circumstances under a given environment. However, there is need to develop a form of secondary immune system in the mind which controls the basis of attraction, social behavior and individual bias hence mental immunity.
At times, people tend to seek for the quickest remedy to their troubles. The young people may end up doing this that create virtual peace of mind which is in many cases short lived. Therefore, the best place that they deem appropriate to find solace during crisis is in drug abuse (Lama 98-101). As Dalai Lama argues, some may take a pill that relaxes the mind by driving away all the anxiety. However, he furthers states that such conditions are simply impossible to attain. Hence there is need to develop the mind with time by trying to cultivate mental immunity. In this context, mental immunity is the ability of the mind to persevere and fight negative thoughts. Just like the body’s immunity system, mental immunity is not acquiring overnight but rather over a period of time. Therefore, according to Dalai Lama, it is impossible to attain both long term and short-term solutions to problems at the same time. Hence mental immunity is the only long-lasting solution to suffering.
Additionally, mental immunity can be defined as a state of being whereby the happiness of an individual is independent of the surrounding circumstances but relies mainly on a person’s internal factors hence maintaining a state of joy throughout all experiences of life (Ikram). It is therefore the power or ability to remain in perspective of a personal choice during trying moments or when in challenges. In this state, the challenges that could otherwise lead to heart breaking moments enable the achievement of moments of glory hence making someone stronger by building their capacity to face more problems in life. Moreover, the state of mental immunity depends on the relationship with one another. In this context, during hard times, sorrow and pain, it is advisable to remember that there are also other people facing ...
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