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Story about sexism. Overcoming the Odds

Essay Instructions:

Please use your imagination. The requirement of the order is :

1. Write a story

2. The story is to tell about a world without any gender discrimination.

3. The story has to reflects the situations like: people regard girls as independent persons without expectation of her getting married to another man; parents do not have gender preference of their incoming baby; female have equal opportunities at workplace (salaries, promotion possibilities)...

4. You can write whatever plots you want.

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Overcoming the Odds
Dan a father of three is singing heartedly while washing dishes in the kitchen. He has taken a paternity leave and he has been taking care of his wife who had just delivered. His sister in law Cindy is sipping a cold beer in the Lounge with her sister chatting about their childhood. His eldest daughter (Michelle) has gone to her bedroom citing that she is exhausted from her training session. They are training for a game which will take place over the weekend at their school. Her family has been very supportive especially her father who always takes her to training whenever he is free. Their second daughter is playing computer game Call of Duty in her room upstairs. She is always fascinated by computer games and has been aspiring to be a games developer.
Dan’s wife, has been an earth mover driver with an open mining company nearby. She has been working with the company since she was married to Dan. She has also been a crane operator and a truck driver with the company. She has taken a maternity leave and at the moment they are living in her parents’ house who have since passed on. Her only sister is their host in the house and they have been living there for a month. They have moved to the house since Cindy is leaving for college and no one would be living in it. They have thus moved in to avoid paying rent in the other side of Minneapolis whilst they could live rent-free and save the money to support Michelle in her sports ...
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