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Love in Translation Between Languages and Cultures

Essay Instructions:

I need my essay to be modified, my essay and suggestions from the professor will be uploaded here (you can float your mouse on the highlights and red marks to see the instructions on my essay)

Project Question:

To what extent is love (emotional connection, empathy, passion) important for translation between languages and cultures? Consider the purposes and kinds of translation. Be explicit about the kind(s) of love you are discussing in your essay.


This essay should create an arguable progression of ideas in response to the question(s) of the prompt. These ideas should be supported by careful analysis of our multimodal texts and at least one moment of meaningful synthesis of two or more multimodal texts.

A successful analytical essay will include the following:

a description of the various culturally specific languages (including visual) used to describe gender in our multimodal sources

A solid understanding of the multimodal texts you are using.

Inclusion of quotes from at least two multimodal texts from the list above followed by quote analysis that connects to your response to the project question.

Effective use of key academic terms and some effort to use analytical language and academic vocabulary—use them especially when you bring your own experience into the paper!

An introduction that introduces major sources used and your own original thesis (which is your argument and answer to the prompt question).

At least 3 body paragraphs, each including:

A topic sentence analysis of quotes/images and connections between text, video, and/or audio

Body paragraphs that focus on one idea while also connecting to each other to work toward the,development of the project’s argument;

A conclusion paragraph.

Inclusion of images throughout the project: Please include images, photos, links, or video/audio that connect and help illustrate your project. These can be the multimodal texts themselves, such as a photograph or a screenshot of a video. This is a requirement of this project.

REQUIRED SOURCES (only use these sources)

bell hooks_heart to heart.teaching with love.pdf (UPLOADED)

bell hooks - "after slow death"Download bell hooks - "after slow death"(UPLOADED)

Hedwig and the Angry Inch - "The Origin of Love" (LINK: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=_zU3U7E1Odc)

Hofstadter - The Shallowness of Google Translate selections.pdf (UPLOADED)

Mansuryan - Why translating literature is sometimes impossible. (LINK: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=BCvQw3gKJOU)

Plato - Symposium-Aristophanes.pdf (UPLOADED)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Instructor’s Name
Class Information
Love in Translation
Our daily lives are influenced and affected by culture, language, and emotion in different ways. Our culture impacts how we express ourselves and decode emotions within and with others. Although many emotional terms are shared across many languages and cultures, which can explain some of the similarities between civilizations, their meanings can still vary between languages and cultures. Additionally, certain emotional words are challenging to translate because they are unique to the language or culture. For instance, the German sentiment Fremdschämen, the Saudade word in Portuguese, or the amae notion in Japanese do not have a direct English translation. I know that the barrier posed by different languages has given rise to translation.
Numerous studies have discovered that people encounter intense emotionality in their native dialect contrasted to a second dialect. For instance, compared to their second language, multilingual perceive emotional expressions like “I love you” to be stronger or more emotional in their first language. This demonstrates the significance of translators in the multilingual setting of emotional word processing. In his article “The Shallowness of Google Translate,” Hofstadter claims that translation is a linking action that preserves precision and offers a feeling of curiosity, suspense, and interest in the original author’s writing style (p.4). While objectivity satisfies the requirement of clarity, the author’s ability to convey emotions is crucial. Translators who strive for those two ideals of excellent translation are passionate and in love with their craft. The chance to read literature from different cultures is one of the most exciting things about living in the twenty-first century. Nevertheless, most of us rely on translations, except for the languages we speak fluently.
Language reflects the fact that concepts vary greatly between civilizations. Languages differ because ideas cannot be transferred between them without incurring some loss. In her TED Talk, “Why Translating Literature is Sometimes Impossible,” Mariam Mansuryan makes the case that concepts might occasionally actually be lost in translation. She started reading fiction in several languages and comparing it, which piqued her interest in translation. Because concepts frequently differ between languages, translating literature may be very challenging. Mansuryan, for instance, explains how the gender of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird is disguised in English. However, such a topic is not obscured in Russian. Russian readers are aware from the beginning. This demonstrates that there is no accurate way to translate words between languages. Sometimes we construct bridges to translate with the least amount of loss.
The ability of languages to create cross-cultural ties is astonishing. They link not only persons but even entire worlds. Thus, this correlation between language acquirement and usage and encountered emotionality is a leading element in ascertaining the emotionality level encountered in various multilingual dialects. For instance, when one is in a relationship with a person speaking another dialect, they somehow experience emotional communication challenges, mainly in the early stages of the relationship. However, that affective socialization grows with time, and eventually, the partner’s language often becomes the language of the heart. This aligns with the idea that language attainment and use of context are vital to the emotionality encountered level. Additionall...
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