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Love, Self-Discovery, and Death as Themes in Stories

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The theme of Love in A Rose for Emily and The Quest for Iranon
The theme of love is outrightly displayed in the two stories, A Rose for Emily and The Quest for Iranon. Love can be defined as an intense emotion of liking towards someone or something. In both stories, love plays an integral part in developing the plot as well as the significant blocks of story and in the characterization of individuals. In A Rose for Emily, the author explicitly shows how Love and lack of it was a substantial factor in the development of the main character, Emily. Her desire for romantic love clashes with the less functional love experience from her father during her childhood (Faulkner 8). It is worth to note that Emily’s childhood experience with love shaped her attitude towards love the rest of her life, even though, a considerable part of her strongly yearned for romantic love in her adult life. When she meets Homer, later in her life, she tries to love him, using her definition of love, and what she believes is the right way of showing affection (Faulkner 18). Homer, on the other hand, is not so sure on their relationship with Emily, just like Emily is, and there is confusion whether they should call it a plutonic or a romantic relationship. In The Quest for Iranon, Lovecraft manages to show the significance of pursuing lost love through his characterization. Iranon, who is an exiled prince is genuinely in love with his native home (Lovecraft 6). The author manages to create the exact image and intensity of that love to the writer from Iranon’s memories.
In both stories, the authors portray the theme of love, even though from different perspectives and angles. In the two texts, love has shaped the lives of the main characters in a way that it has directly affected how they relate to the world and people around them. In A Rose for Emily, the author portrays the type of love which has had an impact on Emily. It is love between one human and the other. Emily did not have a great relationship with her father before he passed away. This distorted her meaning of love, and as a result, made her stay a single life of isolation for many years (Yang 12). When Homer comes her way, and people see them together, they begin talking of a possibility of marriage, and whether she had found the love of her life. But again, it turns out, and this never came to pass. Emily's experience later turns painful and tragic. Whereas she sees a possibility of a romantic relationship, between, her and Homer, he does not have the same feelings, and considers their relationship a plutonic one, as just friends (Faulkner 29). Love can cause pain; it may also lead to tragedy. Emily is scared of rejection which leads her to buy wedding items, invites Homer for dinner and poisons him with acerbic. Her love turns tragic; she doesn't take rejection, something which leads to the death of another human. On the other hand, the writer of The Quest for Iranon portrays another kind of love. One’s love for their land, or country. Iranon, even though exiled, still has a strong love for his motherland. His love for Aira city is portrayed from his narrations. "Oh, Aira, the city of marble and beryl, how many are thy beauties! How I loved the warm and fragrant groves across the hyaline Nithra and the falls of the tiny Kra that flowed through the verdant valley!’’ (Lovecraft 8).
However, it is worth to note the explicitly different perspectives the two authors give in their portrayal of love. This is shown in the writing prose and the styles of both authors as well as their characterization. Human love and the need for humans to feel loved, the craving for a romantic relationship is what Faulkner intentionally shows in A Rose for Emily. In Quest for Iranon, it is not a human-based love. It is patriotism kind of love, even though exiled; Iranon still has strong ties to his native lands and has set out to make a return.
The theme of Self Discovery in Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison
Battle Royal is an insightful piece of work by Ralph Ellison which delves into the intricacies of politics and culture. The novel is a classic portrayal the political and social power struggle which revolves around class, race, and gender, which play key in the author's realization that he is a black man in white America. The story's setting was a genius pick by the writer. Residing in the South around the 1940s when racism and politics of ethnicity were at its peak, the writer scores points in successfully creating the most appropriate characterization and plot for his story. He manages to portray the significance of self-discovery in the story, that of a black man trying to find his own identity amidst the confusion and oppression going on (Ellison 16). However, this theme of self-identity takes so many shapes and gives birth to some identities author wants his reader to have a gist of.
The narrator reminisces on the advice his grandfather gave him. It is a reflective moment when the narrator connects this piece advice to a betrayal he has gone through. The author is working hard to ensure readers see how significant this betrayal was in him identifying himself as a black man (Juana 2017). But then, what was the origin of the deception? Upon taking his grandfather's advice, the narrator decided to act all nice and meek to the white men in his community, something which won him accolades and love among the white men, who were no...
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