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Nursing versus Teaching: Job Descriptions

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Student Name Course Name Date of Submission Assignment Title Nursing versus Teaching If you were to choose a world without either nurses or teachers, which option would you prefer? It must be a difficult choice because both professions are critical in today’s world. According to Shimizu & Katsuda (38), both careers focus on assisting others and offering some form of care. In many ways, nursing and teaching have some similarities. They involve dealing directly with people, working in a team and adhering to the established best practices. Being a teacher works better for me because it allows me to interact and mentor children, something I would be unable to do as a nurse. Job Description for a Nurse Nurses have various responsibilities. Firstly, they establish rapport to identify the care requirements for each patient. Secondly, they offer emotional, psychological and spiritual support for patients and their families. They do this to help them in coping with the illness. Thirdly, nurses document the care services offered to the patient. This assists in maintaining a proper record for each patient and improves efficiency in the wards. Furthermore, they ensure that patient information remains confidential as required by the law. Nurses also ensure the working environment is safe and clean. They do this by complying with the procedures and regulations established in the healthcare facility. One of the challenges nurses face in their career is seeing patients deteriorate in the wards. Coming to terms that a patient he has cared for has died breaks their heart. However, nurses encourage themselves with many patients under his care whose condition has improved. Another challenge is working for long hours because of the nursing shortage. Most of the time they work for long shifts because most of the healthcare facilities do not have adequate staff. However, their love for caring for the patients keeps them moving. Nursing offers them an opportunity to help people, and that fulfills them. Job Description for a Teacher Teachers have various responsibilities. Firstly, they are responsible for planning lessons. Secondly, they teach the students either as an entire class or in small groups. Teachers are expected to monitor the progress of the students by grading the student’s assignment in preparation for standardized tests. They often communicate with parents regarding the progress of the learners. Lastly, teachers work with individual students especially those with learning challenges to improve their performance. Various challenges are associated with teaching. Firstly, it is difficult to balance the wide range of student needs. Teachers in public schools have to deal with students with a wide range of needs. For instance, some students are less interested in studies and distract the rest of the classroom. Additionally, teachers often lack parental support. Some parents do not get involved in the lives of their children. Parents are expected to make education a top priority. When this does not happen, teachers are forced to carry the burden, which is overwhelming. There is also the issue of poor perception the public has on the teaching profession. When the media focuses on negative stories regarding teachers, it blurs their positive impact on society (Wellfair 1). Career Objectives The following are my career objectives: * To mentor children to become responsible adults in the future * To encourage creativity among children. * To obtain a position that allows me to keep up with modern technology. * To obtain a position that enables me to have personal time to pursue my passion for traveling. * To utilize my skills and abilities in a way that has a positive impact on society. Why Teaching Works Better for Me It is essential to appreciate that both nurs...
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