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Literary Analysis of Figurative Language of Madonna's Song “Like a Virgin”

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Literary analysis of figurative language of Madonna’s song “Like a Virgin.”
Purpose: To write a 1,100 word essay that analyzes the figurative language and literary devices (simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism) in a song to show how those elements contribute to the song’s appeal to its audience. 
Guideline for the work:
1. I already have an introduction part and the thesis statement for the essay. Please, use my thesis statement to analyze the song’s lyrics. 
Use this thesis statement for the essay:
Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” is a song about healing power of love and the encouragement for self- expression. 
2. Analyze every set of lyrics using literary devices (simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism) to show what this song represent to people, or women. Do not discuss biographical information of why the song was written and what the meaning is to the author or singer. You must not write about how Madonna or the author of the song feels like. This song is not about their feelings, but what it means to people, specifically young women. 
The purpose of the essay is to analyze the literary devices in the song to prove that the song means what I stated in the thesis statement. When you analyze the song lyrics, make sure that the content of it is related to the thesis statement. When you analyzing lyrics, follow in order from the beginning of the song to the end. For example, the lyrics “I made it through the wilderness, somehow I made it through, didn’t know how lost I was, until I found you” is or represent this or that to the public or women…..Then move to the second set of lyrics “I was beat, Incomplete, I’d been had, I was sad and blue, But you made me feel, Yeah, you made me feel, Shiny and new,” and so forth. 
Remember: This song must not be about author or Madonna’s feeling. It should be what the thesis statement stated. This song must not be about Madonna’s feelings, but what it means to people, specifically young women.
3. After you analyzed the lyrics, then, you must also argue why the song is popular or what specific cultural impact the song has had on young women and older conservative generation. 
4. Then write a conclusion that is relevant to the thesis statement, song meaning, and its impact on the public. 
5. You don’t have to write the reference page. I will write it. 
6. The lyrics of the song are included in the attached document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literary analysis of the figurative language of Madonna’s song "Like a Virgin."
The lyrics "I made it through the wilderness, somehow I made it through, didn’t know how lost I was until I found you" show that women pass through series of challenges in their dating lives. In this case, the word "wilderness" represent that a vast majority of ladies are promiscuous and do not stick to one lover since they change partners from time to time. "Somehow I made it through" shows that a vast majority of women find it hard to change their promiscuous ways of living. In a society with a conservative view towards women, women tend to be oppressed and only take the minor roles in the society such as housewives or engaging in prostitution moving from one man to another to earn means of life hood. With such a primitive view, as evident in this song, most women who tend to jump from one man to another find it extremely hard to change their lifestyles. Most lifestyles exercised by women tend to have adverse psychological side effects. In most cases they exhibit a generalized negative approach towards men by feeling cold towards them. These makes it tough for them to settle down with one man since they actions of moving from one man to another degrades their trust towards men. This case scenario is presented in the lyrics, "I made it through, didn’t know how lost I was until I found you."
"I beat Incomplete I'd been had, I was sad and blue" these lyrics represent how young women find it difficult to trust one man or love a man after being in a series of relationships that left them heartbroken severally to a point you can`t trust or love anymore. It shows how most women are socially affected after series of heartbreaks, having to sleep with several men for money or having to live in a society that oppresses freedom of sexual expression. It denies them some of the catalysts of happiness such as the chance to love as well as the opportunity to spend time with people close to them. To that end, they tend to live a sad and lonely life.
"But you made me feel Yeah, you made me feel Shiny and new" represents the feeling felt by women who finally get to love again after series of heartbreaks. It shows that most young women tend to engage in relationships without emotional attachments since most of these relationships are based on ill-motives such as money, curiosity or peer pressure. These lyrics also show the healing of true love. It represents that young woman who is promiscuous; lonely and have been subjected to meaningless sex experiences, can still change by finding real love that will make them better people. In this case, "you made me feel shiny and new" represent the extraordinary healing power of true love experienced by young women when they fall in love. This shows that to most young women engaging in a relationship that is based on true love rejuvenates them, enabling them to forget the past occurrences that brought them pain. To them, love from a life partner, friend or family members has given them the opportunity to have fun and the platform to develop compassion, courage, patience as well as the ability to fulfill their real purpose in lif...
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