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We Make Fairy Tales Come True ads by Clinica Dempere in Venezuela Cleverly Spoof Disney Characters

Essay Instructions:

Image Analysis on "We Make Fairy Tales Come True" ads by Clinica Dempere in Venezuela cleverly spoof Disney characters.
Thesis Example;
In one of his later songs, Bob Dylan reminds us that you “Got to get up near the teacher if you want to learn anything.” Indeed, since the time of Plato, much learning has occurred through the intercession of a mentor, a teacher, a guide. Countless tales, myths, and cultural histories include the image of a wise man—the enlightened one who brings knowledge and “know-how” to the unenlightened, undeveloped masses. On the cover art of Fleetwood Mac’s 1972 album Mystery to Me, one of these wise men is present, sitting on a book, offering instruction to what appears to be a very sad half-human, half-ape (or possibly half-camel) type creature. The meaning of this painting is clear: We cannot become fully-human, functioning, knowledgeable creatures without the help of a “teacher”—that is, someone more aware, more knowledgeable, more in tune with existence than we are.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Image Analysis: Media and Plastic Surgery on Teenagers
Adverts are strong communications tools that tend to influence the targeted audience significantly and change their perception about the subject that is being highlighted. Adverts play a vital role in our lives and have turned into the ever present elements of daily occurrence. Within a day, one is bombarded with adverts from all angles; thousands from the internet, hundreds from the television media, hundreds from the road sides and buildings. As such, a large part of the daily routine involves the interactions that one has with the adverts.
During the creation of adverts, the level of creativity is always quite high, relative to the fact that the message has to be passed on in the shortest time possible yet make significant impact on the target audience. One such indication of the level of creativity involved in the creation of the adverts, is the way that Clinica Dempere cleverly uses the characters from Disney to come up with master pieces. In the adverts titled "We Make Fairy Tales Come True" Clinica creates memorable pieces that convey the massage with a twist of humor and content. The basic context of the adverts is plastic surgery, however, they use reanimated characters in the Disney movies to bring out the message. The messages are also quite appealing.
In one of the adverts there is the use...
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