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The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858

Essay Instructions:

Objective: In this activity, you will analyze primary sources to better understand a topic of historical significance and to cultivate strong critical thinking, analysis, and writing skills.

Activity Prompt: Imagine you are a journalist asked to cover the first Lincoln-Douglas debate for a major eastern newspaper. The debate took place on August 21, 1858, in Ottawa, Illinois, a town in the northern part of the state. In total, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas would debate each other seven times between August 21 and October 15, 1858. Newspapers from New York to St. Louis covered and included extracts of the debates. Because of this intense national attention, the Senate race in Illinois served as a proxy for the nation’s division over the issue of slavery. Your task is to relate to your readers the details of the positions of each candidate. What did Lincoln and Douglas stand for? How did they disagree on the issue of slavery in western territories? What were their different views on race? Finally, as much as you can, try to relate the atmosphere surrounding the debate and the two candidates’ supporters.

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Course Title
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
Douglas attempted to portray Lincoln as a reckless abolitionist who wanted racial justice and the dissolution of the Union on several occasions. Lincoln underlined the moral wrongness of slavery and denounced popular sovereignty for the horrible outcomes it had brought about. 
The two were at odds with one other on the topic of slavery, but in different ways. For Douglas, slave ownership was not a morality problem, and it didn't matter whether African Americans were slaves or not since he did not consider them to be regular people. He was of the opinion that Black Slaves were subordinate to the rest of the community, which was mostly composed of white people. Lincoln was certain that the issue of slavery should be addressed by the federal government. According to Lincoln, the Declaration of Independence did not include African Americans in its precepts, and it was the federal government's job to...
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