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The Law of Timing: When to Lead Is as Important as What to Do and Where to Go

Essay Instructions:

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Laws:

1. “The Law of Timing: When to Lead Is as Important as What to Do and Where to Go”

2. “The Law of Explosive Growth: To Add Growth, Lead Followers – To Multiply, Lead Leaders”

3. “The Law of Legacy: A Leader’s Lasting Value Is Measured by Succession”

Your Leadership Course Essays: Each week the student will choose from the 3 principles being taught. Pick one principle and write an essay on how you will achieve this principle. State which principle you chose, write a 3-paragraph essay putting the principle to action in your life and why you chose this principle. Submit in MLA format and avoid plagiarism.

Paste this link in your browser for ideas on “How to write a 3-paragraph essay.”


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Leadership Essay Laws 19,20,21
The law of timing suggests that when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. Great leaders sometimes result from proper timing. Examples of such leaders include Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Julius Caesar. When each of these individuals came into power, it just so happened that their nations and empires were in great need of good leadership. Using their brilliance, masterly, and bold policies, they were able to lead their people into periods of great fortune. In this paper, I explain how I plan to put the law of timing into action.
I chose the law of timing because I could identify great leaders in history who stepped up when their leadership was nee...
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