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Karl Marx: The Communist Manifesto

Essay Instructions:
How accurate is Marx's view of the bourgeoisie? He identifies the bourgeoisie with capital and capitalists. He also complains that the bourgeoisie has established a world market for goods and by doing so has destroyed national and regional identities. Examine his analysis in terms of what you see happening in the economic world today and decide whether or not his ideas about how the bourgeoisie functions still apply and ring true. Did Marx forsee the problems of globalization that incited protests and riots such as those aimed at the world bank, the world trade organization, and the international monetary fund during the last years of the twentieth century into the early part of the twenty-first century?
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Karl Marx: The Communist Manifesto
The communist manifesto is regarded as one of the most influential political manuscripts in the world. This manifesto was written by Karl Marx and his friend Friedrich Engels, who were communist theorists. It was commissioned by the communist league and it outlined the league`s purposes and program. It gave a logical approach to the class struggle either past or present and outlined the problems of capitalism, rather than a forecast of communism's possible future forms. The aim of this essay is to prove that Karl Marx`s forecasts are true in reference to what is happening today (Marx and Engels 15).
He saw capitalist as an economic system that is intrinsically crisis-prone and driven by forces that make it to be unstable, chaotic and self-destructive. What it was even 150 years ago is the same today, when Karl Marx and his colleague Frederick Engels explained capitalism in the Communist Manifesto. He analyzed capitalist as society that has come up with huge means of production and exchange, comparing it with a sorcerer as who is unable to hold the powers of the posterior world that he has called by magic charm (Marx and Engels 20).
in fact, today`s world of wild stock market booms and slumps, layoffs are frequent and employment has became a dream to many, money scandals and power blackouts, and many more happening seems to reflect their description more clearly than before. The economic downfall the world is experiencing now cannot be excluded. For instance, the United States of America is in the centre of one of the worst periods since the great depression of 1930s, people have being losing their jobs daily. Most of the surveys indicate that 2.6 million jobs have been lost in the lost two years. Not to mention the number of people who have lost their insurance coverage and those who have being declared bankrupt. In short, these issues; recessions, economic problems and depressions, were part of capitalism since its inception despite the promises the authors (Marx and Engels 27).
Therefore, capitalism has never changed its nature si...
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