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Ninth Monday and Thursday

Essay Instructions:
Please I need Joseph who did the order number 00019523 to do this order. I will upload the instructions. Please do the first two page for Monday assinment. For the other three pages, please do the Thursday assignment
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Ninth Monday: The Storyteller
Monday 1500hrs
A Facebook discussion on my status update: I post the Hopi quote and cite some of my thoughts to back the claim made by the quote. Three hours later, three very strong arguments emerge forwarded by Tyson Hunt, Jane Summers, and Blake Andrews.
Tuesday 0800hrs
I meet Joy Sandler outside the mall on her way from picking up her morning cup of coffee. I engage her in the debate. Being a philosophical enthusiast, she engages me and explores the quote in depth.
I ask James over for lunch and he agrees to join me out for lunch. After casual conversation, I bring up the subject in a non-intrusive way and carefully note down his views on the same. I also forward the theories on Christianity, which seem to make him think quite critically about the whole idea. It appears he is shocked at first about the change of topic, which he did not realize, but he keeps it to himself and decides to play along.
On the trip home, I casually introduce the subject to my friends. Majority think nothing of it, but Tyler and Edward get into a heated debate about it and very interesting views emerge from the argument. The two dig deeper into their thoughts and mention ideas that really bring out their perspectives.
Wednesday 0900hrs
During the Physical education lesson, as we were cooling down on the rafters, I engage Polly White in a conversation based on the Hopi quote. She forwards some very interesting theories of her own. However, some are clearly misinformed.
I engage Thomas Dean in the cafeteria over a lunch of burgers. At first, he want to veer clear of anything touching on Christianity, but when I make him understand the purpose of my citation, he opens up and makes his own brief contribution to the topic.
I catch the janitor doing his rounds in the gyms and out of curiosity; I pose the challenge to him. Much to my surprise, he has quite the perspective on all matters philosophical. He adds quite a bit of depth to the general idea behind the Hopi Indian saying.

Ninth Thursday: The Storyteller
Monday 0500hrs
I posted the quote on my Facebook timeline just to see how receptive people would be towards an idea that requires a bit of philosophical thought input. The aim of this experiment was to get a feeling of people’s perception on the idea of rule. In my opinion, the Hopi saying is an embodiment of how rule is established. As such, the background of Christianity is based on the very same principle. The roman emperor responsible for the popularization of Christianity used his influence to make the religion mainstream. The colonization of Africa and the imposition of Christianity is another good example. Africans were not allowed to practice their traditional religion because they were conquered by Europe. The Hopi saying clearly states that, he who tells the story rules the world. As usual, anything that does not necessarily have a definitive claim, and especially towards societal behavior, elicited a lot of emotional feedback from my friends and followers. However, amid all the chatter about not having the moral high ground to stake such a claim, I was attracted to three arguments that I felt embodied the debate in a wholesome manner that was neither biased nor judgmental. However, it was clear that these three individuals might have given it some thought before.
Jane Summers
She agreed that the storyteller indeed had the upper hand in how the recipients would view an event for a long time to come. She cited the stories of the world wars. As is tradition, the victor al...
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