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Kant’s Ideas on Lying

Essay Instructions:

According to Kant, why is breaking a promise or lying immoral? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not? Can you imagine a case where one ought to lie or break a promise? Explain.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Kant’s Ideas on Lying
The concept of whether lying or breaking a promise is right or wrong is the most complex and controversial since everyone holds their point of view. Everyone has a reason and explanation for why they would lie or break a promise, which sounds viable. According to Immanuel Kant, a German Philosopher, lying is immoral since it directly violates one's duty towards himself; all people have a duty always, to tell the truth (Kant). Immanuel Kant introduced his 'categorical imperative' idea as something that people should always do in support of lying or breaking immoral promises.
According to Kant, lying and breaking promises are immoral because it goes against the consistency principle of treating other people as one would want to be treated. Here, lying and breaking promises cannot be universalized because what would the world be like if they were done all the time? If everyone told lies, people would no longer listen to each other. Lying and breaking promises is immoral because people use others as a means to an end, not the end (Brusseau). Here, people who lie use others as instruments to get what they want, which goes against the dignity principle of treating other people with respect and holding them in value.
I fully agree with Kant’s reasoning and ideologies since they would undoubtedly make the world better. Lying and breaking promises degrades trust and makes human interactions difficult. Fulfilling promises and telling the truth always boosts trust and makes people comfortable in each other's mercies. Kant believed that one ought to provide evidence to what they say or what they make a promise so that their partner...
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