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Journal 4: The Story Of In The Land Of The Free

Essay Instructions:

Article 1: http://fullreads(dot)com/literature/the-ingrate/

Article 2: http://www(dot)drvalverde(dot)com/uploads/1/0/5/3/10538520/inlandoffree.pdf

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(Student’s name)
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Literature and Language
15 February 2018
Journal 4
The Ingrate is about the black’s journey to achieve freedom being integrated with pain, hopefulness, and even death. Upon reading the story, it is easy to feel the hard times through the art they make. The story is a depiction of the deep desire for liberty wherein what only matters is equality. The author, Paul Laurence Dunbar, describes a master who breaks the law in order to teach his educated servant and then goes to the free land to find justice. The writer’s inspiration is from his parents who tells the story from the characters’ deep emotions.
The story of In the Land of the Free is about a mother named Lae Choo who is still in the process of coping with the loss of the only child she had. Due to her frustration, she vents out, and her husband asks her if she has slept already. She has a deep emotional reaction to her child’s loss. In addition, her maternal instinct shows while she describes her child. The way she talks about her son makes it seem like he and she were one, as if she was still carrying him in her womb. The way she talks about her child is like being at the end of her days.
To compare and contrast the 2 stories, they have similarities and differences. Both of the stories are very emotional and they touch on the subject of race. Even if the setting of the stories did not happen in 1 place and in different ...
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