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Journal 10

Essay Instructions:
For your final journal entry, I'd like you to reflect on what you need to do to prepare your final research paper for final submission, as well as reflect on your goals for the quarter. Part 1: please write on the upshot of the peer review and continued work on your research paper. Briefly share info with me on the following topics: What did your peers tell you about your paper? What did they identify as your paper's strengths? Weaknesses? What if any questions remained to be answered? What still needs work? What actions will you take (or have you taken) based on their feedback? (Specific research, restructuring, work on grammar, adding source(s), removing or adding interview material, etc.) Part 2 Reflect on your previously stated goals for achievement and effort in this class. Again, the audience for your answers to the following questions is you alone, so there is no need to try and come up with an answer you think I will like. Achievement Goals–In a brief paragraph, describe what helped or pevented you from experiencing success and/or meet your goals in this class. Effort Goals–In a paragraph talk about what you did in order to achieve your goals. Try to be as specific as possible, though there are no strict guidelines for your answer. You can talk about number of hours spent on each assignment, sticking to the recommended deadlines for first drafts, the number of revisions you will probably have to do to get the grade you desire, etc. Alternatively, if you fell short of your goals, what obstacles or limitations caused this?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Research peer review upshot While reviewing my research paper, majority of my peers totaling to well beyond 60% felt that the paper very sufficiently introduced. They also commented on the elaborate introduction of the research. This ties to the clear illustration of the subject matter, in this case the current trends of most of the Americas. Where most of them have adopted the fast food lifestyle not because they do not known the harm that they expose themselves to when taking the fast foods, but because they want to blame it on their fast paced lives and the assumption that, there is no significant difference in the processed foods verses the raw ones. On the introduction of the research problem, majority of them also agree that this paper came out very strongly on the subject matter. In the view, the research problem came out very clearly as it was straight to the point and did not involve the readers with scientific jargons. They also added that, the whole idea of the research is one of the most current issues that are affecting the nation and thus the research is very timely. In a rejoinder, they agreed that, given the time and resources, this is a research topic that can be used to attract the attention of the government, if it is taken to the next level. However, the peers also pointed out on some of the areas that did not really bring out the argument clearly within the body of the research. In their, view such a topic required that there be a combination of secondary data and primary data. In the research almost all of the data used to draw the conclusion is secondary, limiting the basis for formulating the ...
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