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John Keats

Essay Instructions:
You will research a Keats poem by reading his letters and writing about an idea that you can see developed through Keats writings. -No introduction needed. -Do not use these Words: 1) Relatable 2) Quote..... (quotation and citation is needed but do not use the word "Quote") Selected letters: -to benjamin bailey nov. 22 1817 -to George and thomas keats 21,27 december 1817 -To J H Reynolds, 3 February 1818 -to john taylor, 27 april 1818 -to john taylor, 24 april 1818 -To J H Reynolds, 3 May 1818 -to Richard Woodhouse, 27 October 1818 -to George and Georgiana Keats, 14 February to 3 May 1819 -To Fanny Brawne, 25 July 1819 -To percy Bysshe Shelley, 16 August 1820l -To charles Brown, 30 September 1820 -to Charles Brown, 30 november 1820 selected poems: - Ode on a Grecian urn -ode on Melancholy - To Autumn (Recommended) -ode to a nightingale - Isabella
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: John Keats (To Autumn) To autumn is one of Keats` last poems written in September 1819 after he abandoned the fall of Hyperion. The poem is more abundant touching the reader most, like the poem ode to Psyche, leaving one with a good feeling of a natural harmony as well as purpose. He starts building up his idea of imagination from the beginning of the first stanza where he puts the landscape of his thoughts in a more concrete manner (Keats and Jack 34). The poem overflows with excellent phraseology of picture. The poet through this piece expresses his feelings for his family and friends. These people have been close to him. It is coincidental that the letters to his friends; John Hamilton Reynolds and Richard Woodhouse were written on September 21 of 1819 in his last days of composing and writing poetry (Barnard 24). He wrote the letters during a time in his life that, his personal health and financial responsibilities were taking a toll on him. The letters were inspired by the situation in his life through a walk he took in Winchester near Itchen River. The idea being developed is that the author of the letters and the poem To Autumn has perceived of his death. This is through his imagination as mentioned in the poem .This is sign of saying goodbye to his friends and family. He mentions that Reynolds had promised him to be with him during the Hallowmas` day eve. The poem ends with the end of the season which signifies his death (Keats and Jack 34). The poet later dies at the age of twenty six. The author calls this imagination but it is an a...
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