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John Fitzgerald Kennedy: Presidents Of The United States Of America

Essay Instructions:

•Write a carefully structured research paper analyzing the historical validity of a film. (The film I want research on JFK 1991). Watch the film carefully and then research the events present in at least five sources like book, library, a credible website. DO NOT use encyclopedias or Wikipedia. Focus on a strong thesis that you can support by research.

•Choose 5 factual events that where showed in the movie but weren't accurately shown as what happen in real life

•The paper should be 6 pages long with additional “Work Cited” page that includes 5 sources. Avoid the use of a single source for the paper. A research paper uses multiple sources. You may include appropriate interviews, diaries, and journals.

•The research paper should present a thesis that specific, manageable, provable, and contestable-in other words, the thesis should offer a clear position, stand, or opinion that will be proven with research. You should analyze and prove your thesis using examples and quotations from a variety of sources.

•You need to research and cite five sources. You must use at least 3 different types of sources. 

•You must integrate quotations and paragraphs using signal phrases and analysis or commentary.

•You MUST sustain your argument, using translations effectively, and use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

•The paper must be logically organized and focused 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
John Fitzgerald Kennedy is one of the most popular former presidents of the United States of America. He served as the 35th president and is referred by his initials JFK. He became remarkable despite his short stay in the position because of his assassination. It was the time of Cold War when he was still serving as president and because of that, many people conclude that the reason behind his assassination was the political conflict between countries. But until now, the assassination is still unsolved. There are various books that aims to solve the question behind that event but none of it ca be considered truth.
In 1991, Oliver Stone directed a movie that is all about JFK. The movie revolves around the assassination of JFK, the reasons, the suspects and other events that happened before and after JFK’s death. The movie was a good one but there are scenarios that do not fit the real happenings. Some scenes happened in real life but the details are not similar to the real experiences of the real people behind the real story.
The first scene that showed discrepancy between movie and real life is the opening scene. The beginning of the movie showed a montage of events that lead to JFK assassination. We will notice that Jim Garrison is presented there as somewhat, a hero, who wants to know who is the suspect in JFK assassination.
It is presented in the movie that Garrison interviewed a couple of individuals to give their statement in the assassination and it lead to him knowing that Oswald is the murderer.
It was in 1989 when Garrison was interviewed and he stated that a movie will be filmed based on is investigation. In the interview he said that there is only one witness who told him that only one person told him that Oswald is assumedly the suspect. In the interview he did not mention his wife or any of his family members. Garrison also admitted that he has no proof that Oswald has something to do with the assassination (Mellen, 2013)
The lone witness Raymond Russo also stated that his self-confessed conspiracy is not accurate and that he was just drug induced. Three of Garrison’s staffs left him after knowing this because of the disappointment that his witness could not differentiate reality from fantasy. This also became the reason why Garrison was called a prosecutor who disregards the truth especially when it’s for his selfish purpose ( Epstein, 1993).
The next false scene is when Garrison accused other people after Oswald’s death. It is showed in the movie that a group of activists including David Ferrie, Guy Banister and Clay Shaw has some internal connection with the CIA.
The film also showed in one scene that one of the high ranking officials in CIA confessed to Garrison about their plotted assassination. Their reason for killing the president is to cover up the Vietnam War that was going on that time.
The lawyer of Clay Shaw insisted that the accusations that Garrison made are just lies to generate the media. After a lot of investigation the Shaw’s lawyer and the CIA proved that Garrison’s accusation are wholly false because no evidence supported his statements. The CIA also did not comply to provide a sworn statement that Garrison is telling the truth and they did still deny their connection with Shaw ( Holland, 2001)
Garrison seemed to write a story for the assassination to become more interesting. He connected Americans that has nothing to do with the crime to set it up like a real investigation scene, so that the movie will be all on his side. The director was convinced with his version of story because it was Vietnam themed and Oliver Stone, the director, is a Vietnam Veteran. Max Lener, a columnist, also said that whenever a columnist or a journalist visits Garrison he will lecture you with his upside down stories and will make you believe everything is true ( Lambert, 1998)
The third fallacy can be seen in the last minutes of the movie. It is when they showed that a person named Richard Helms proved that Clay Shaw worked for the CIA as a part-timer in their Domestic Contact Division. Richard Helms gave a testimony but afterwards, it is labeled as a misinforming statement. It was published in an American newspaper and has convinced many American’s that Shaw Clay and the CIA has real connection with the former President’s assassination (Holland, 2001).
The original story states that the witnesses of Garrisons investigation are hypnotized or drug induced, but to make the story more convincing, the director Oliver Stone made it look like there are real evidences that proves the witnesses statements. This is the reason why the movie JFK became a very misinforming movie ( E...
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