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What Is The Ethical Issue Discussed In Your Snapshot?

Essay Instructions:

For one of the ethical issues we've discussed (or will discuss) in class, you must find an example of the issue at play in real life and answer a set of questions. Whatever medium you choose (e.g. a news article, blog post, video, case study, etc.), it should present an argument on the ethical issue(s) discussed.
Submission Instruction
Cut & paste the questions below into the assignment text-entry box in Canvas and type your answers there.
You MUST include the item about which you are writing. You may either:
Upload it as an attachment (doc, docx, or pdf formats only)
Paste a web link to it into your completed assignment
If it is in hard copy only, you should scan & upload it as a PDF or give it to me in class.
Answer the following questions about the snapshot you chose.

What is the ethical issue discussed in your snapshot?
What is the author's primary stance on this issue?
What morally relevant features and/or facts of the debated issue does the author primarily focus on?
Do you see any other morally relevant features or facts that he/she ignores or should have included?
What is the strongest part(s) of the argument? Support your answer.
What is the weakest part(s) of the argument or explanation? Support your answer.
What is your personal response to this article?
For those having difficulties locating an article for your snapshot, check out the websites below. I am NOT claiming that every article on these pages is a good choice, but there are many good options there.
https://www(dot)scu(dot)edu/ethics/focus-areas/business-ethics/resources/articles/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
https://www(dot)scu(dot)edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethics-articles/diversity/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
People have also had success looking on Forbes.com and the New York Times.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Word and Ethics
What is the ethical issue discussed in your snapshot?
The snapshot brings to the attention of the readers the ethical element of using words to give the message in articles weight (Skeet, Ann). It is clear that when certain words are used to describe an event they give it a meaning that is suited to the objectives of the writers. This is a common approach of most of the media houses where they share their news bytes using catch phrases that are bound to change the direction of the story and even the relations from the public (Skeet, Ann).
What is the author’s primary stance on this issue?
Ideally, the author is trying to explain the fact that news articles need to be based on headings that are ethical and correct. In most of the cases the headings used and even the wording used to describe events in the society are created with the theme of carrying certain weight and driving the discussions behind such (Skeet, Ann). When the news are reported on some of the incidences there is a bias in the wording. This is relative to the fact that the authors are trying to drive certain conversations and feeling with the readers. When a Muslim is involved in a lone act of violence, most of the media houses will be quick to term it as an act of terror. However, where the perpetrator of the heinous act is a white or in this case an American, this is termed as a lone wolf act. This is a common approach and one that paints the Muslim community as terror prone compared to the rest of the races in America (American Civil Liberties Union). As such, the author is trying to show the fact that, wording tends to be used not by accident but rather by design and with a motive (Skeet, Ann).
What morally relevant features and/or facts of the debated issue does the author primarily focus on?
The author focus on the facts associated with the wording that is used when some of the races are involved in crime. This is a common practice in the media where their choice of wording is designed in a certain way to try and paint a stereotype meaning to the events being reported. When a Muslim is involved in crime, the media houses are quick to pin the motives behind the acts as terror instigated (Skeet, Ann). This is different from the wording that is used when it an American that is involved in crime (Green, Emma).
Do you see any other morally relevant features or facts that he/she ignores or should have included?
There are moral facts associated with the issue that the author points out. However, the element of racial prejudices is not captures with reference to the minority...
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