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How Does James C. Scott's Book Complicate What We Have Covered Thus Far?

Essay Instructions:

It should be double-spaced with 1” margins, 12 point type, and a normal font. The paper should primarily be your reaction to the prompt, but must include support from the readings. This means direct quotes that are accurately cited. Underline your thesis statement. 


How, if at all, does James C. Scott’s book complicate what we have covered thus far? Answer as specifically as you can.


1. By “complicate” assume something along the lines of “offer a criticism that creates the need for a perspective covered in the text to respond.”

You can choose particular chapters or particular thinkers. Put them in conversation with Scott. How might they respond? Would they have to amend their arguments at all because of what Scott argued? Why or why not?

2. By “specifically” assume that a better essay will use examples to illuminate concepts and offer context. The examples can come from the text or Scott’s book, or can be of your own choosing. As always, you can bring in outside material, but are not required to do so.

3. Do NOT choose the chapter on Anarchism. You can take a paragraph or two to make clear how Scott’s anarchism differs from others, but your analysis should focus on other chapters/thinkers.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
James C. Scott
How, if at all, does James C. Scott’s book complicate what we have covered thus far?
James C. Scott focuses on the case petite bourgeoisie that can be agents of change but are often ignored in the political process. Both the owners of capital and the working class have their spokespeople who champion their causes, unlike the petite bourgeoisie. To Scott, the left-leaning people and anarchists seeking to make changes in the societies reserve their energy fighting the capitalists, but ignore the smaller business owners or artisans who can challenge the capitalism system. Even though, anarchists support the elimination of the state for curtailing freedom, the petite bourgeoisie is autonomous and able to exercise freedom in a capitalist system. James C. Scott’s book highlights the importance of the petite bourgeoisie who exercise autonomy in a state system despite facing private and public bureaucracies, while linking their actions to supporting resistance against the state.
The anarchists insist that individual freedom is necessary and the states undermine liberty, and this is one of the arguments advanced to eliminate the state. However the classical liberalism view supports the laissez faire approach to achieving economic liberty. The petite bourgeoisie is important in state despite being disliked by the left-wing, but they have the aspiration and will of the proletariat. The Marxist ideologues attach too much importance on the case to uplift the proletariat, where peasant uprisings are the most revered form of revolution to bring about revolutionary change in the society. However, Scott oversimplifies the case for the petite bourgeoisie since they seek to expand and acquire the position that the ruling classes have, and the only difference is that they do have the economic power.
The relevance of the petite bourgeoisie in an economic system is that they are able to innovate and link processes that are then relied upon by the large corporations to remain competitive (Scott 89). Analysis of the political economy also overlooks the role of petite bourgeoisie, with only the Marxist view stating that they work together with the ruling class to advance the interest of the rulers. However, Scott goes further to assert that anarchism to be more cultural and not political, and writes in a pessimistic tone as though making changes is not a straight forward thing.
Scott links the petite bourgeoisie with the peasants since the two classes have more control of their work (Scott 90). The petite bourgeoisie emphasize the importance of autonomy as well as freedom. The anarchist view also emphasizes freedom, but the contradiction is that the anarchism would wish to overhaul the system and stay without the state. At the same time, Scott raises a pertinent Iise on the extent to which the state or the corporations can co-opt the petite bourgeoisie with the aim of projecting a false impression that the workers would enjoy real freedom and autonomy.
A true revolution is one that has true participation of the peasants, and leaving out the petite bourgeoisie ignores their input in achieving economic justice. Most revolutions turn out to be undemocratic and do not necessarily represent the interests of the peasants who are in favor of the revolution. This is because they tend to extract the resources from the people’ while the state makes the most important decision about cropping patterns. Even in the socialist system the peasants only produces what...
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