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Why Prostitution Should be Legalized in the US

Essay Instructions:

For your final essay I want you to take an informed and argumentative position involving a different topic or idea different from your previous paper. The topic or idea you select must be one that provokes opposing points of view and must be at the level of an academic argument. You should attempt to reveal what is significant about the topic/idea you choose that gives it credibility; that is, what is or was significant about your topic/idea and, if applicable, what are important consequences or possible future outcomes of the idea? Your topic/idea could involve issues covered in our readings.

Pick one of the 3 following approaches:

1. Determine that you have an idea/topic that lends itself to an argumentative approach, i.e., an idea over which people hold differing views.

Research various viewpoints and determine your stand on the idea/topic. Avoid ideas that leave you feeling neutral or ambivalent.

Develop an effective thesis that describes the idea and asserts your position. 

Briefly (no more than 100-200 words) summarize the idea and then argue your position. Support your argument with evidence (facts, quotations, and statistics) that lend weight to your position

You must include counter arguments. You must include counter arguments (concessions and refutations). Making certain concessions to opposing positions demonstrate you are a person of good character with a moral sense of fair play. 

Closely examine the primary arguments on both sides of the idea for elements of ethos, pathos, and logos. Engage the topic or idea in a critical manner by assessing opposing writers’ claims, evidence, assumptions, language and tone, reasonableness, appeals, and fallacies. Can you locate these elements? What are they? What are their effects? Do they weaken or strengthen opposing writers’ positions?

More importantly, please be creative and unique in your analysis and evaluation; in other words, do not state the obvious or write a report.

Remember to also develop unified and cohesive paragraphs that utilize factual, historical and/or personal examples to illustrate and explain your points. Also, use transition words to facilitate the flow of ideas. In your conclusion, you may also choose to utilize rational, emotional or ethical appeals.

Finally, remember to use highly effective and purposeful sentences that demonstrate a diverse variety of thoughts (i.e., simple, compound, complex and compound/complex sentences

Additional guidelines:

• It must be at least 6 pages long. 6 full pages—not including the works cited page—is the minimum length 

• It must contain counter arguments, including concessions and refutations.

• It must contain a works cited page if you cite outside sources

• It must contain a minimum of 1 hard-copy sources (real books, magazines, journals, etc.)

• Quotations, paraphrases, or summaries of outside sources require parenthetical cites.

• A maximum of 25% of sources used can be from Internet sources. Database sources are exempt from this guideline.

• Do not use encyclopedias or Wikipedia.com as sources

• The paper must discuss secular topics only.

• In addition to submitting a hard copy in class the day it is due, it must be submitted to turnitin.com to receive a grade.

• Create an original title

• Double spaced throughout

• Font = 12 point, Times New Roman font, printed in black ink

• Have standard margin settings

• Have your last name and page number in the upper right corner of each page

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why prostitution should be legalized in the U.S
It is a well-documented fact that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. A point to be noted here is the word ‘profession.' It has been commercially exploited for the longest period, longer than even the long distance and trans-oceanic trade of antiquity. It has been a practice that has been there for as long as it can be recalled. Most religious books have at least an account of it. Prostitutes, in these case women, have used their bodies to sustain themselves economically. Presently, there is a raging debate over whether prostitution should be legalized or not. Some countries, such as Singapore, have legalized prostitution.In the United States; some states such as Nevada have also done the same. However, much of the other states still have their reservations about the legalization of the trade. This, therefore, continues fueling the already raging debate over it. Prostitution should be legalized due to some reasons that in general, would be beneficial to the whole country as it’s going to be seen in subsequent discussions.
First is its economic value. Prostitution is a commercial venture. It is an economic activity, a booming business for that matter. There are more people engaging in the business that statistics can capture. The local and national government earn revenue from the taxation of businesses. The taxes help in the development and improvement of social amenities, infrastructure and general outlook of the country as well as the economy(Haltiwanger,2014).
This subsequently results in the improved living standards of the citizens and hence prosperity. Prostitution should be counted as a business too. It is estimated that more than one million women in the United States engage in prostitution. This is just the average number captured by those willing to confess, the figure might be higher and still growing. If the government can pause for a moment and imagine the amount of revenue that it loses through illegalizing prostitution, it wouldn’t hold this debate for even a second more (Rentz, 2014).
Secondly, legalization of prostitution can play a very vital role in the reduction of HIV/AIDS infections among the partakers in the business. By legalizing it, the government simply acknowledges its existence as a distinct enterprise of its own. The authorities then come up with rules and regulations, or policies governing the business. Among the aspects of such a policy would include the safety standards of the people. Blood testing would, therefore, be taken as a priority to prevent multiple infections among the people (Barton, 2014).The prostitutes can, for example, be required to undergo full and regular physical and blood checkups to ensure that they are consistently healthy. If they work in brothels, the environment of these brothels would be checked before certifying the prostitute for business.
In this manner, the rates of HIV/AIDS infections through prostitution would be greatly controlled. This is as opposed to its present illegal state, where individuals are engaging in it behind the scenes. Prostitution in the backstreets is highlighted by little to no regulations and hence very reckless engagements that will always increase the chances of infection (Listlnad, 2014). The infections are not only limited to the virus; but there are also other sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, which are equally dangerous. It is, therefore, an honorable thing to legalize prostitution, for the sake of the public's freedom from infections.
Thirdly, legalization of prostitution takes up a rather legal dimension. The United States Constitution grants every citizen the right to enjoy his or her freedoms, as long as they don’t interfere negatively, or harm another person. Most other nations in the world also have this clause in their respective constitutions. In essence, this is a free society. Illegalizing of prostitution would be in some way, illegalizing of sex. Criminalizing of sex would be an outrageous act of the government’s insensitivity towards the basic fundamental rights of its citizens (Fuchs, 2013).It would be an open abuse or insult to libertarianism, which the United States has always been a proud advocate of.
Libertarianism is simply the philosophy granting an individual the right to enjoy his freedoms as long as they are peaceful. It grants a person the freedom to do whatever he or she wants with his or her life, within the peaceful constraints. Criminalizing sex would be a smack on the democratic fabric that has all along been the mantra of the nation's greatness. Why should it be banned? If it can be criminalized, then what is the essence of this nation being called democratic? Its criminalization means that the government has the capability of prohibiting anything that it deems ‘bad' by its definition (Fuchs, 2013).
Onto the fourth point, legalization of prostitution would provide a stable and legal source of income for the more than one million prostitutes around the country. It should be noted that these women engage in prostitution mainly for commercial purposes (Barton, 2014).They are doing it to earn a living and to make ends meet. These are normal people, just like any other American citizen. There is no difference between that banker who wakes up to go to work e...
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