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Essay Instructions:
order # 00013941 order is related - use the same writing style if possible. Writer, post a draft of the introductory paragraph of the research paper. Please keep in mind this is the same one we will use on the actual research paper later on. Also prepare an Annotated Bibliography of FIVE sources from your Working Bibliography. First put the source in the correct citation format for your particular curricular division, and then write a brief annotation (summary) of that source and a statetment of how you will use that source in your paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Based on medical research, influenza vaccinations along with the body’s immunity will have a significant impact on this disease, which would then point out that in the succeeding years, the peak of the disease is still likely to occur. In other words, influenza, despite having artificial as well as natural defenses, would still have the capacity to invade the body since the virus has already adapted to the body’s immunity the first time it becomes subjected to such defenses.
Influenza has been considered to be an infectious illness. This is because the virus has the capacity to adapt to whatever defense mechanisms the immune system has against it. Influenza virus’s mutability and adaptability has also been the reason why it has already spread all over the world with various types such as the 1918 H1N1, 1957 H2N2, 1968 H3N2 and the 2009 A(H1N1).
In this study, I shall primarily be focusing on the topic of influenza and its epidemiology by answering the question “is influenza already under control with all these medical helps to make the body immune from it or is it still an epidemic that is dependent on age, sex or risk factors?” The objectives of my study is 1) to inform the general public about the epidemiology of influenza and why it still infects, 2) to identify at which biological information, e.g. age and sex, would influenza virus be most likely affecting and if such information be reliable in stating the probable risk of influenza, and 3) to assess influenza cases in Kenyatta National Hospital.
This study would only focus on the World Health Organization statistical data on influenza virus outbreaks in Kenya along with the data from the Kenyatta National Hospital for the past two years. Articles as well as other reading materials relevant to the study available in the library and the internet shall also be considered in this study.
Annotated Bibliography:
Brankston, Gabrielle, et al. "Transmission of influenza A in human beings." Lancet Infect Dis (2007): 257-265.
In the "Transmission of Influenza A in Human Beings," the authors say that influenza may not be difficult to detect but due to its seasonability, it becomes a difficult disease. The mode of transmission of influenza is still not yet resolved but in this study, the authors have stated that transmission of the virus happens only at a close range, therefore, debunking the earlier notions that influenza virus is airborne. This study is helpful in my study since I shall be patterning my st...
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