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Hybrid Cars Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

use introduction what i wrote but add arguable thesis sentence


As all people know that every car runs with gasoline, however, gas is currently running out and in our future gas will be running out completely. Hybrid car is the one of our new solution for our future vehicle which uses both electric and gasoline. Since 2000, due to gas price increase very high many people seeking to buy a hybrid car to save money instead regular gasoline cars. In this research paper I am going to talk about what is difference between hybrid and regular gasoline car and what advantage or disadvantage does hybrid car has.

(fix grammar and add more details with arguable thesis and you can extend the length of introduction if you need. My essay suppose to be about same level as what i wrote or bit better)


need what is hybrid car and purpose of hybrid car

positive effect that hybrid car buyers will have like save money and gas and more information

negative effect that hybrid car has like expensive battery replacement, too quiet engine sounds cause danger to padastrains or bline people etc

need benefits of hybrid car like tax rebate and specify with which states offer what type of benefits

Also, i need counter argument

need to compare regular car vs hybrid car. Put it in any paragraph it will fit in best


I am an international students so do not use vocabulary that international would not know and essay should not looks like native speaker writing. You can paraphrase, summary, and use 1 or 2 quotation in paragraph.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hybrid car
In general terms, individuals are aware that all cars run through the use of gasoline. Nevertheless, gas is presently running out and there is possibility that within the future, individuals will experience problems concerning gasoline use in vehicles because it will be completely running out. This calls for invention of other vehicle types which will have the capacity to utilize other energy forms. Hybrid car has been recognized as one of the suitable solutions for our vehicles in future because it has the capacity to utilize both gasoline power and electricity. This is associated with a number of benefits hence within some nations like United States, individuals have been encouraged to make use of hybrid cars. Since 2000, many individuals are seeking purchase of hybrid cars because of the experienced increase concerning gas prices as they attempt to save financial resources instead of utilization of usual gasoline cars. Hybrid cars are advantageous over regular cars due to their capacity to cut on fuel costs hence their use ought to be encouraged.
Hybrid car definition
Hybrid cars may be expressed as any vehicle types which make use of either two or more power sources (Kardirov 15). They are usually powered through the use of internal combustion engines together with electric motors which are charged as a result of regenerative breaking and wheels’ movement. These cars make use of electrical power for the purpose of enhancing the engine efficiency. Although most manufacturers have opted to combine gasoline with electricity, others have opted for water and solar power (Dooley 35). The purposes associated with hybrid car utilization is usually introduction of alternative power in that it has the capacity to utilize electricity instead of the usual gasoline, hence this trims down vehicle power costs.
Advantages associated with hybrid cars
Individuals who purchase hybrid cars will have the capacity to enjoy a variety of positive effects which may be brought to light as follows. For instance, performance and efficiency have been found to characterize hybrid cars (Choy 25). They usually have engines which are smaller compared to typical gasoline cars, because power is usually acquired from two sources. This implies that the smaller engines end up being closer to usual power requirement regarding engines which will bring about performances which are efficient. This justifies the idea that hybrid cars hold greater benefits when judged against typical gasoline cars.
Secondly, hybrid car utilization brings about low pollution concerning our ozone (Bonner 55). Among the factors which steer Ozone damage is air pollution, wherein dangerous chemicals get their way to atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide mostly released by vehicles. Sources bring to our attention that measure regarding carbon dioxide release to atmosphere by vehicles is usually relative to utilized fuel quantities. This has the implication that hybrid vehicles release lesser polluting agents to atmosphere compared to gasoline cars, due to the fact that it makes use of lesser fuel quantities unlike gasoline cars which make use of greater quantities (Minsk 15). Therefore, individuals ought to be encouraged to purchase hybrid cars so that threats towards ozone destruction may be minimized.
Global warming has been identifies as a serious threat due to the associated outcomes to earth (Klier 95). This comes up due to release of a variety of waste gases to atmosphere especially from vehicles and also industries. Due to the fact that gasoline cars have the highest capacity to contribute to the global warming problem compared to hybrid cars, it is evident that hybrid cars are essential for trimming down global warming advancement. Through hybrid cars utilization, lesser fuel quantities are used up because this car type does not fully depend upon gas within its operations (Lopatka 75). It substitutes it with electricity power which does not prop up any environmental danger realization. Promotion of hybrid car utilization by individuals will therefore be beneficial because they will participate towards trimming down of undesirable outcomes like global warming.
Hybrid car utilization is highly beneficial due to its capacity to save individuals money which would have been used for gas purchasing (Ealey 65). Saving on gas is usually an obvious advantage associated with hybrid car use. Through hybrid cars utilization, individuals do not have to purchase gas following each long trip, because they have the capacity to go numerous miles while using less fuel. This is very advantageous to individuals who turn to hybrid cars because they will experienced trimmed down costs while satisfying their purposes.
Hybrid cars allow their users within some countries like United States to enjoy tax incentives (Ross 35). As a result of political pressures of the world around the various nations towards greenhouse emissions reduction, an agreement was signed by President Bush within the year 2005 to offer large tax relief to individuals regarded as buyers of hybrid cars. The incentive concerning tax in this case would vary depending on models, wherein two factors would be influential. This includes fuel efficiency of hybrid car compared to usual cars within the year 2002 with equivalent weight class, and gasoline amount which may be saved through hybrid car use within its lifetime when assessed against equivalent usual car (Steinbugler 85). Hybrid car users would therefore have the capacity to enjoy lesser costs and this would be highly advantageous compared to gasoline car users.
Therefore, throug...
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