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Internet And Education: Internet Is Useful Or Harmful?

Essay Instructions:

Author’s notes accompany rough drafts for major papers in this course. An author’s note is a100-150 word document that captures the following:
1. Reflect upon the writing process you used to produce this draft. How did you begin? What was your reading process like? What about planning/drafting? 
2. List three specific parts of your writing that you are struggling with/need specific feedback on. (Try to avoid “grammar” and “format” as one of these three things. In our writing groups, we are focusing on the higher order concerns. However, if you do feel like you need assistance with grammar, please feel free to set up and office appointment with me or contact the Miller Writing Center.)
3. List three specific parts of your writing that you feel good about—in other words, what do you think you are doing well?
As far as format goes, consider these author’s notes to be informal. They can be a bulleted or numbered list, a paragraph, or some other method that communicates the above information. 
These notes are beneficial to me as your teacher and your writing group members because they provide specific points in your paper so that the feedback you receive during peer review will be useful during your revision process.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Internet and Education
For the last few years, most of the processes have been revolutionized with the entry of technology. This is an invention that can be compared to the invention of the wheel around 3500 B.C. part of the technology that has been very influential is the internet. Ideally, this is a system of interconnected computer networks using various protocols to link the different devices in the world. There are a variety of networks among them government, private, public, business and academic all of which allow the users to share information within the networks (Pandit, Madhura).One of the ways the internet is useful within the education sector. Ideally, the education platform is one that is associated with continuous research (Pandit, Madhura). This is with reference to access and distribution of information on the various research topics. As such, the internet has become a pillar in education offering access to vast realm of information. Most importantly the internet of things offers a new dimension to the way that students and other academicians can access and share information. However, there is also the fact that the internet is a threat to the education system and the content shared. This paper presents the opposing dimensions of the impact that the internet has on education and learning.
Thesis Statement: although there are dangers associated with the use of the internet for students, it offers infinite advantages and set to be next major platform in education delivery across the globe.
The article, The Numerous and Useful Advantages of the Internet in Education, offers a very easy and elaborate way of establishing the positive impacts that the internet has had on education. Madhura is one of the most prolific writers on the website contributing to the readership and the generation of quality content. The Numerous and Useful Advantages of the Internet in Education, is one of their best work and they continue to develop quality content for their readers. The author’s central theme is with reference to the benefits that the internet has brought to the education system and basic learning process across the internet has deep roots in the education sector with a revolution that is taking most of the institutions by storm, e-learning. This is associated with the benefits accrued from learning from anywhere in the world, without the pressures of ever stepping inside a traditional classroom (Pandit, Madhura). This is an approach that ensures that even the people that are busy working can get the chance to go back to class and achieve their dreams. Students are able to attend virtual classes from wherever they are. Even at the comfort of their sitting room, one can be taking a lecture and turning in assignments or even holding discussions with the lecturer and other members of the class.
There is also the fact that, the internet offers easy contact between the different scholars. The students are able to contact one another with much ease and even hold discussions on the various topics that they are studying (Pandi...
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