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Describe The Relationship Between Humans And Nature

Essay Instructions:

ENG 24 Section 89 Wed Jan 17 -Tu Jan 30

Writing assignment 2

Peer Review: Wed 1/24

Optional Draft One to Me Th 1/25 Final Draft due to me Tues 1/30

In-class Essay Two Tues 1/30

Using your in-class essay 1 writing as a point of departure, explore two (OR MORE) authors' ideas related to A SPECIFIC TOPIC. One of those 'authors must be Jane Jacobs from Chapters 1, 2 or 3 of The Nature of Economies. The idea is to establish a 'dialogue' comparing and contrasting points of view. For this essay, you will want to come up with your own research question such as

How is Wealth Inequality related to the environment? Or

How does Biomimicry show us a model for the relationship between humans and nature?

Below is a bibliography (list of books) of some of the sources we have accessed in Module 1 and/or two, as welt as some suggested sources. For this essay, you must find and use one source of your own. There may be additions, depending on our process in class.

a. Wealth Inequality

b. Sustaining Communities

c. Relationship between Humans and Nature

On Wealth Ine ualit

Newspaper article:

Freeland, Chrystia. "Jobless Recovery Leaves Middle Class Behind. " New York Times. April 12, 2012.

Schwartz, Nelson. "Recovery in U.S. is Lifting Profits, but Not Adding Jobs." New York Times. March 3, 2013,

Assigned Blog article

Ehrenreich, Barbara and John Ehrenreich. "The Real Story Behind the Crash and Burn of America's Managerial Class." Alternet.org. February 19, 2013 Source URL:

http:/(www(dot)alternet(dot)org/economv/barba ra-and•iohn-ehren reich-real-story-behind-crash-andbuin-americas-managerial-c(ass Handout

This video was shown in class:

Politizane. "Wealth Inequality in America." Youtube Video. http:/_/.youtu.be/QPKKQniinsM Nov

20, 2012

Sources published by/for above in 'about' folder on youtube:


htte://danarielv.com12010/09/30/weait... http:/./thinkprogress.orß/economv/2011... http://money(dot)cnn(dot)com/2012/.04/191news/...

Citation for Mother Jones article, found on Academic One Search

Drum, Kevin. "PLUTOCRACY NOW. (Cover Story)." Mother Jones 36.2 (2011): 22-63. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. Permalink:



Original study by "Harvard professor" (found through list of published scholarship on coauthor Dan Ariely, as well as a link on a page on Danariely.com)

Norton, Michael A. and Dan Ariely. "Building a Better America—One Wealth Quintile at a Time." Perspectives on Psychological Science January 2011 6: 9-12, doi:10.1177/1745691610393524


Study available on Sage Journals database. http://Dps(dot)sagepub(dot)com/content(6/1/9#

Youtube Video:

Rolling Jubilee. Clips from the documentary "Maxed Out!" outu,be iRSJ4v8a XY. Nov. 8,


Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders. James Scurlock, Dir.


On Sustaining Communities:

Alperowitz, Gar. "Democratizing Wealth: Notes Toward an Evolutionary Reconstruction of the American System." GarAlperowitz.com Democracycolfaborative.org

Badger, Emily. "Why You Should Give Away Free Stuff to Your Neighbors." Atlantic Cities (blog). June 4, 2012, http:l/www(dot)theatlanticcities(dot)com/neighborhoods/2012/06/why-you-shouId-give-freestuff-your-neighbors/2166/

Badger, Emily. "The Secret Life of Zipcar Drivers." Atlantic Cities (blog). Jul 20, 2012.

http://www(dot)theatla nticcities.com/commute/2012/07/secret-lives-zipcar-drivers/2638(

Bonislawski, Adam. "Is the "New" Brooklyn Economy For Real?" Brooklyn Magazine. June 13, 2012. http:l/www(dot)bkmag(dot)com/BrooklvnAbridgedla rchives/.2012/06/041is-the-new-brooklyn-

Florida, Richard. "Where The Skills Are." Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 308.3 (2011): 75-78. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. http://www(dot)theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/10/wherethe-skills-are/308628/

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Relationship between Humans and Nature
Environmental sustainability and even focusing on the natural processes can help understand how the natural world is related to economies (Jacobs 5). People form self-organizing clusters and their activities influence how land is utilized and impact on nature, this is even reflected in how cities are planned as residents may influence urban planning activities. Human beings adapt better, unlike animals, which may go extinct and yet growth is a common feature of environments. The similarity between economies and ecosystems is that tend to develop in a similar manner through adaptations, since what is well suited to the physical or economic environment thrives. Organisms tend to maintain diversity and balance, and cities also require this to maintain vital growth. I will focus on the relationship between humans and nature.
Just like the economy requires interdependent relationships, so is nature and the use relationships can explain how developments and co-developments occur. The creative economy is also important to support sustainability where people cooperate to make changes (Bonislawski). Studying ecology and nature can offer insights on how to use self-organization and development as is common in nature (Jacobs 12). Even as human beings alter ecosystems, people have not destroyed everything in nature as would be assumed because there is capacity to expand and even improve production in nature and even the number of living things has increased. Similarly, the economies have the capacity to expand, and it is the diversity of what is produced this can partly explain increase in productivity.
There has been growing interest on developing production methods and products that copy nature, as people increasingly understand the practical application of ecology (Jacobs 29). Human beings affect nature’s regeneration and diversity, including through development and changing the ecosystem....
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