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Use of the Internet Should not be Limited to People's Reliance

Essay Instructions:

Argument Essay: The use of the internet should not be limited due to people’s reliance on it.
Topic: To write a 1,950 word argument essay in which you argue that the use of the internet should not be limited due to people’s reliance on it.
Purpose: To persuade your audience that the use of the internet should not be limited due to people’s reliance on it.
NOTE: Include in the argument essay the following ideas to support your argument that the use of the internet should not be limited due to people’s reliance on it.
1. People around the world rely on the internet to achieve their educational goals.
2. People rely on the internet to stay connected with the family and friends. 
3. People rely on the internet to shop. 
4. The use of the internet helps the disabled and elderly people to meet their needs. 
5. People rely on the internet for the entertainment.
6. People rely on the internet to find a job.
7. People rely on the internet to learn about changes in the world. 
8. People rely on the internet to learn about new things.
9. People rely on the internet to find new friends.
Each of this statements are the reasons why people should use the internet. Expand each of these ideas, explain how people benefit, provide detailed examples. Basically, you have to persuade the audience why people rely on the internet. If you have some of your own reasons why we should not limit the internet use, you can use it in the essay. 
NOTE: State a clear thesis statement. Do not state it as “this paper is about…...” Write more clear and definitive thesis statement. 
Methods: To use at least six secondary sources to support your argument including
1. A minimum of three articles from Expanded Academic ASAP
2. A minimum of three secondary sources that you have evaluated
3. Woks Cited page should be in MLA format.
1. Your argument should make a claim.
2. Your argument may also call for action.
3. What do you think should be done to address the issues you’ve raised?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Use of Internet Should Not Be Limited
Since the internet came into use, many activities have been simplified globally. The internet has facilitated many processes to be accomplished with ease without much straining compared to the times before it was invented. Despite the fact that many people rely on the internet globally, to some extent, others feel that its use should be regulated. This is because the use of the internet has affected the young generation, especially those who use it for the wrong purpose. An analysis on the use of internet reveals that it has simplified the lives of many people in a profound way. For example, the internet has helped many people to achieve their educational goals, it has helped people in making new friends and at the same time connecting them, shopping online, entertainment, finding new jobs, learning new innovations and cost savings through shopping (Nicholas, at al. ,Pg 32). The paper analyzes the various reasons why the use of internet should not be limited as many people rely on it.
Achievement of educational goals
To begin with, many people rely on the internet to achieve their educational goals. The important thing is that the internet pulls people together each and every time making learning to be an easy task. The World Wide Web (W.W.W) which is an instrument that has empowered society to teach the illiterate facilitates training of the unskilled on new jobs and even improves the level of understanding of the learner. The use of new technology makes it different from anything that came before. It elicits participation, not passive interest. The enrollments in schools have greatly increased; however, carrying out this process manually is tiresome and involving. Students use new technology, basically the internet, to carry out research in their academic work while the educators use the internet to enhance their lessons. The internet has given a fresh new approach with online education. The internet has enhanced globalization in education for instance schools from different parts of state, country or the world can connect or meet their counterparts through the internet by video conferencing. The use of internet, if limited, will be of profound hindrance to the above mentioned activities hence its use should not be limited (White, pg10).
Connecting Family and friends
Secondly, many people rely on the internet to stay connected with family and friends. The internet is not just about providing information to the people, but also about connecting with friends, families and people who may not have met each other before. The internet facilitates the above process in many ways, for example, social networking with friends on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. The use of Facebook by statistics has increased to about a billion people (Donath and Boy, pg78). For instance, if one has family or friends that live far away, one can use Facebook to keep in touch with their families and friends though sharing messages. One can also use internet in sharing new information with their friends hence keeping them updated. This also enhances connectivity, mutual growth of relationship between individuals. Twitter is another socializing platform where one is able to share brief messages called ‘tweets ’with entire world or just with the circle of friends. One is able to follow people with similar interests and can discover new ideas, technologies and trends that otherwise they wouldn’t have discovered. LinkedIn helps in linking friends, especially those in the same field of professional practice. Chats and instant messaging programs facilitate conversations between friends or sometimes just write them a short message quickly. Examples of such charts are Yahoo! Messenger and Microsoft messenger. If internet use is limited, then the above process of linking friends and family members would fail hence, its use should not be limited since many rely on it (Stevenson, pg22).
Internet for shopping
Many people rely on the internet to shop. For instance, Studies show that retail e-commerce worldwide amounted to 1.08 trillion U.S. dollars in 2013 and projections show growth of up to 2.48 trillion U.S. dollars in the first quarter of 2015. Mobile e-commerce spending reached about 10 billion U.S dollars by 2015 in United States alone. 46% and 20% of mobile users in Asia Pacific region and North America region respectively purchased products via mobile devices in 2015(Lee and Lin, pg170). People prefer to shop via the internet since it is a convenient method as compared to physical shopping. People do not have to leave their homes to go for shopping when using the internet to shop as they order what they need while in their homes. While shopping in the internet, research shows that many commodities are easily found there as compared to shopping in stores (James, et al. pg09). At the same time, the commodities on the internet are sold cheaper compared to those sold in physical stores. Furthermore, the rise of internet has increased the ability for consumers to shop in more locations, shop for longer periods of time and purchase more items at ease. There has been an increase in the use of electronic commerce sites and online auction houses that has resulted to spending money online all over the world. People are able to purchase goods and services directly from the seller over the internet using web browser. The internet facilitates online shopping faster since it has easy product selection. The consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among alternative vendors using a shopping searching engine. Payment for the goods via internet is done through the use of credit card or paypal account in order to make payments. Online shopping is efficient and has to a large extent improved the selling percentage of goods and services. It is therefore relevant for fact that the use of internet should not be limited since many rely on it, especially when it comes to online shopping (James, et al. pg09).
The Elderly and the Disabled
The internet use helps the elderly and disabled people to meet their needs. Currently the planet has the largest number of elderly and the disabled. Information about a need to help the elderly and disabled is posted online in order for the well-wishers to access it and help them in one way or another. There is an internet guiding principle that stipulates that internet is for everyone, people with special needs are also included. They include the estimated one billion people across the world with disabilities on the site. When the required tools for internet are availed, then people with special needs can equally participate in societal development and make paramount contributions towards the growth of the economy. In that way, the disabled can’t feel neglected. The web has also helped the disabled to interact equally in online platforms. The internet empowers the disabled to become more independent .Some of the disabled can only work via internet or online and the...
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