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Compare and Contrast Assignment: Fatso and Disability

Essay Instructions:

It is a compare and contrast essay
The source is from the book 40 Model Essays: A Portable Anthology not from a different web or book.
In a different page there is a work cited page
All the page is 2 page and half ,but on the number page there is no 2 and half page that why i picked 3, but please make it 2 and half page and the 3rd page will be the work cited page.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Compare and contrast: Fatso and Disability
It is out rightly true that being fatso can lead to health difficulties and trouble performing undertakings of daily living. An individual who is fatso can have trouble walking around, running, and doing the simple daily chores. But does that mean that being a fatso institutes a disability? Fatso is commonly not well thought-out as a disability which explains disability as a physical or mental deficiency that significantly confines one or more of the key life undertakings of an individual.
To be shielded by the Disabilities Act, a fatso individual must have a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 or be at least 100 pounds, as well as an essential ailment that instigated the fatso. These stringent conditions mean that the Disabilities Act currently gets few complaints concerning individuals being fatso. Nevertheless, some people believe that being a fatso should be considered a disability that legally entitles individuals to certain health aids and other accommodations. Other people believe that classification of being fatso as a disability would add to its humiliation and create more complications than it would resolve.
Classification of fatso as a disability would offer fatso individuals with improved insurance coverage. Being a fatso truly can comprehend physical disability: A fatso individual can have many related medical situations including arthritis, amplified blood pressure, diabetes, diabetic-related vascular sicknesses, and a declining cardiovascular system. All of these circumstances can lead to the necessity for walkers, wheelchairs, and other movement expedients, as well as exceptional health adjustments at home or in the place of work.
A disability tag would safeguard the rights of fatso individuals against discernment based on their weight while Doctors are concerned that desc...
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