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Internal Perceptions of the Yiddish Language

Essay Instructions:

Write a journal entry on Research Paper Model #3. A successful journal entry typically consists of 300-500 words. In your journal, be sure to do the following:
1. Describe how Research Paper Model #2 is structured—where the thesis statement is, how the body paragraphs are ordered, how the conclusion is structured, etc. Describe the elements of organization that you find particularly successful and helpful for readers. Why are they successful?
2. Identify and analyze 4 topic sentences that you find particularly helpful for transitioning from one paragraph to the next. What language is used to signal the transition? What is the writer transitioning from and to?
3. This sample essay uses footnotes rather than in-text parenthetical citations. Footnotes are typical of Chicago-style citation, while parenthetical citations are typical of MLA citation. (See here for more information). Choose 2 different places where footnotes are used and change the footnote to a parenthetical citation using the guidelines for quotation and MLA in-text citation we have discussed in class. You may refer to Guidelines pp. 265-267 or to the Purdue OWL for MLA citation guidelines.(link: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/)
4. Analyze how you think this paper can help you improve your writing. What features of language, style, or organization of the text can you use in your academic writing?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Research Paper Model #3
Thesis statement: However, the more interesting topic deals with internal perceptions of the language: How did this language contribute to cohesion within the Jewish community? How did the Jews themselves perceive their language? What was Yiddish’s function within Jewish communities? What evolution can be traced throughout the centuries? A historical evaluation of Yiddish shows that at different points in time, Yiddish has both served as a uniting force, but also as a source of anti-Semitism for the Jews themselves in addition to the broader European community.
The body paragraphs are ordered and structured from general to specific. While writing an essay, it is indeed essential to ensure one’s body paragraphs are arranged from a general point of view to one that is specific. The broadest pieces of information need to be at the top while the narrowest need to be included as the writer continues to deliver. The research paper under study was ordered in this manner with the broadest pieces at the top while the narrowest were slowly revealed in subsequent body paragraphs.
The conclusion of the research paper is also structured in a way that brings the discussion to a close. First of all, the author summarizes the main points discussed in his article and then draws conclusion based on the evidence presented. The conclusion always links an article to a title and the author seems to have managed to do this seamlessly.
Two elements of organization that I find useful for readers are the use of topic sentences and the author’s movement from general to specific information. The first element is successful because it communicates to the readers the main argument in a particular paragraph. Additionally, it also helps to expand or grow the thesis statement. The second element is also successful because it helps the readers to slowly grow into the essay. Starting an essay with specific information can indu...
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