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The Impact Of Sleep Quality On Students

Essay Instructions:


For this assignment, you will write a 1,000+ word synthesis essay. The essay will engage an arguable issue related to technology, education, the economy, diet, health, or sleep or psychological disorders. To support your argument you will draw on research and utilize all three rhetorical appeals—ethos, pathos, and logos. Your essay will summarize the main points of the articles it analyzes as well as present and argues for an original thesis on the topic.

Rhetorical Context

You are writing this essay with the intended audience of well-educated members of the university community. As such, you should utilize formal language and keep the essay as professional as possible. Your purpose is to present and support an original thesis that enters your own ideas into a conversation with other writers on the topic. This essay should fall into the genre of a synthesis essay and have all the necessary components of such an essay (see pg. 208 of A&B).


The following criteria must be met in order to receive full credit for your work. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will penalize your grade:

• Minimum 1,000 words

• MLA Format with 12 pt Times New Roman font

• Present an original thesis and support it using all three rhetorical appeals

• Effectively summarize and analyze four or more sources on the same topic (one source must be a peer-reviewed source that you find via the library database)

• Original Work

• Final draft due to Turnitin.com by 4-15 at midnight

Scoring Criteria

Your essay will be evaluated on four different criteria that are described below. Each of these individual scores are combined in order to determine your final grade. It is entirely possible to receive a high grade in one category but fail another, so keep all of these aspects of your paper in mind as you begin to write.

Purpose & Structure:

The essay should have unity and coherence. It should stay focused on the rhetoric of the listed sources, and all supporting information should reinforce the thesis. The essay's structure should have an engaging introduction, clear topic sentences, smooth transitions, and a logical progression of thought. 20%

Research Analysis:

The essay should summarize the main points of all sources used and explain how they relate to the thesis of the essay. This analysis should evaluate the perspective of the sources and the important data and rhetorical strategies used. Use of these sources should show an understanding of different source incorporation strategies, including quotes, paraphrase, and summary. All sources must be properly cited. 20%


The central part of your synthesis essay should be a clear, credible, original, and arguable thesis that takes place in an academic conversation with the sources it analyzes. This should be underlined and clearly identified. 20%

Rhetorical Strategies:

Your original thesis should be supported with rhetorical points from your sources and all 3 rhetorical appeals, ethos, pathos, and logos, must be utilized. 20%


The final draft of the paper should show sufficient editing and revision. It should also utilize college-level grammar and correctly follow MLA formatting conventions. The essay should have a properly formatted Works Cited page and utilize appropriate citations. 20%

Synthesis Essay: Provided Sources

The following sources have been pre-approved for use with your synthesis essay. This list includes the articles we will evaluate in class plus additional articles you may choose to analyze or use for supporting details. Outside sources require instructor approval (submit via email).


“Keith Conners, Father of ADHD, Regrets its Current Misuse” by Allen Frances
“Making Sleep a Childhood Priority (or Not),” by KJ Dell'Antonia
“Why Stanford is Training Teens to Preach the Importance of Sleep” by Nathania Johnson
“Lack of sleep blights pupils' education,” by Sean Coughlan
“Diagnosing the Wrong Deficit,” by Vatsal G. Thakkar
“ADHD or Sleep Disorder: Are We Getting It Wrong?” by Dr. Michael J. Breus

Essay Sample Content Preview:
THE IMPACT OF SLEEP QUALITY ON STUDENTS Having a consistent sleep of less than 7 hours every night might cause you to early death. The average amount of sleep teenagers get in a daily basis is between 7 or 7.25 hours (Nationwide Children’s, Sleep in Adolescents (13-18 years old), nationwidechildrens.org). This is one or two hours far from the recommended amount of sleep by professionals. There are several factors that affect the deprivation of sleep among student, these are the following; shift in sleep schedule, early school start time, and social and school obligations. There might be a lot of obligations a student needs but with the help of good and efficient sleep time management, they can surely ace both their social obligations and their academic responsibilities. Thus, if a certain student was not able to achieve at least more than seven hours a day of sleep, then they will be prone of early death. However, with the help of proper time management, this can be prevented. Sleep has been always defined as the span of time where our body and brain rests. In psychology, sleep has five different stages; the introduction to sleep, the beginning of sleep, two stages for slow wave sleep, and the rapid-eye-movement. First, the first stage of sleep, this stage is also known as the introduction to sleep. In this stage, melatonin, a hormone that signals brain to sleep, is produced. Stage 1 can be observed when our head starts to nod unconsciously because of the music being heard or it just that your brain activity starts to slow down and wants to have relaxation. Next is the second stage of sleep or the beginning of sleep, in this stage, the slowing down of brain activity becomes faster and the muscle relaxation becomes established. This stage can be observed when your body starts to have weird positions. Third, the third stage of sleep, this is also known as the slow wave sleep. This stage has two sub-stages, referred as the third and the fourth level of sleep. In this stage, the body starts to rest completely. And lastly, the rapid-eye-movement, this stage is known as where dreams take place. In line with this specific stage, a study conducted by Sara Mednick has found that dreams improve brain functions in creativity and memory (Rachel Kaufman, Dreams Make You Smarter, More Creative, Studies Suggest, news.nationalgeographic.com) which is the start point of this essay. In a more specific perspective, this essay objectifies to discuss and figure out the impacts of sleep quality on students. On the research of the psychiatrist Sara Medrick, dreams make our brain to perform better. It is a fact that before we get to dream, we need to have at least two to three hours of undisturbed sleep which is the total of those first four stages of sleep. With this being stated, the more our sleep gets disturbed the lesser chances of getting in to the rapid-eye-movement, thus, the lesser chances of getting in to the rapid-eye-movement means lower chances of having a dream, a dream that helps our brain to improve its performance. For this reason, since teenagers specifically students most of the time get no good quality of sleep, it is then a threat that their academic performance might be impacted. Relatively, a research, “The Good sleep quality is associated with better academic performance among Sudanese medical students” by Hyder Osman Mirghani and his co-researchers, was conducted to validate those claims that the quality of sleep impacts students’ performance. Mirghani and his co-researchers have found out that there is a high significant difference in sleep quality between excellent and average students. Their research has found out that the better sleep you have, the better academic performance you can get. Furthermore, it was defined t...
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