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Racial Discrimination: How We Can Face Racism

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According to the topic "How We Can Face Racism" write an essay.

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Name: Institution: Course Code: Date: Racial Discrimination How We Can Face Racism No one is born a racist, it is taught and peddled by bigots who negatively criticize other cultures, races, and ethnicities through the lens of their own culture rather than appreciating and celebrating our diversity. To stamp out racism, we need a multifaceted approach adapted to fit various situations to address specific racist dogma that stifles efforts to root out this social evil. One of the most effective approach to face racism and defeat it is through teaching the people its detrimental effects and how each one of us can be an agent of change. We can address the issue of racism by developing strategies in multicultural teaching in universities, widely condemning the practice through publications and engaging in social movements that will attempt to culminate the racial discrimination. The elite in universities is more open-minded and can be fashioned into a great tool that can help root out racism. It is not an easy approach especially for white professors who have to appear impartial to the issue. CITATION Smi17 \l 1033 (Smith, Kashubeck-West, Payton, & Adams, 2017) acknowledge that white professors have the ‘desire to show our students (and ourselves) that we are not colorblind, “we’re-all-just-human-beings” White people.’ Though they are often victimized by their students for this, they still try to ensure they are impartial to the issue. Whites have been widely considered as the ‘superior’ race, and though many of them are not racists, their efforts to address racism is often underpinned with skepticisms from other races and backlash from some members of their own communities. Students of color find hope in being taught by antiracists professors who have risen above the guilt and challenges and become allies in the fight against racism. The white professors also serve as models to the white students to do what they can in their own way to dismantle racism within the learning institutions and beyond in their communities and work environments. Multicultural teaching has proven to be an effective strategy that helps white professors to be agents of change to students of color and quash the stereotype that all whites are racists. Since racism is taught, then teaching its detriments to the society and laying out how we can root out the evil through multicultural teaching with professors serving as models, learning institutions can go a long way in addressing this issue. Ignorance has fueled racism and asserted a widely accepted public opinion that the white community is superior to other races. It is not true, but the other races seem to have ignorantly accepted and adjusted by collaborating and rather than challenging institutional racism, they have indirectly supported i...
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