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Informal Inequity: Chapter Of Against The Anthropocene

Essay Instructions:

Please note that I am an architecture major student. So the essay should be tightly connect to the field of architecture.

Essay must be submitted in PDF format. Single-spaced lines in Calibri, Arial, or other approved font. Font sizes 10- 12pt are acceptable.

Essays should be 1-page in length. Text should focus on the critical analysis of the two texts. Quotes and re-quoting of text or others should be kept to a minimum, no more than 10-20% of the entire essay. (Please at lease put in two quotes from two texts.) The essay must focus its attention on the three readings, other outside sources may be brought in, but only as secondary information to the main discussion.

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Reading Response
In this chapter of Against the Anthropocene, T.J. Demos argues that human beings are adversely affecting the Earth by coming up with strange “living subjects, physical space, material infrastructure, technological devices, cultural forms, and organizational practices” (Demos 42). The author thinks that humans are responsible for all of the ecological crises. Personally, I agree with his statements, opinions, and arguments since most of the human beings seem to be unaware of how to differentiate between good and bad activities. For instance, new models of vehicles are introduced to the market on a daily basis, and new factories and residential colonies are built, giving rise to environmental, noise and water pollution.
Against the Anthropocene has scrutinized the proposal that we are in a human-driven epoch about climate changes. In this text, T.J. Demos has tried to analyze the bias within the contemporary visual culture, such as remote sensing, SatNav imagery, famous science websites, experimental art projects, and eco-activist mobilization. He has also shed light on different aspects of eco-crises. The author believes that besides describing a geologic period, it is important to continue supporting the neoliberal financialization of nature. I am one of those people who are against the Industrial Revolution as I think that it has contributed to environmental crises...
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