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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Influences of Mobile Phones: Pros and Cons. Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Argumentative essay, topic: influences of mobile phones: pro and cons. At least five paragraphs, including one introduction, three main body paragraphs, one conclusion paragraphs. MLA format. The general level of the sophomore and sophomore students must be argumentative essay!!

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Influences of Mobile Phones: Pros and Cons
Statistics indicate that the world is now a home to over 7 billion mobile devices and they are increasing five times faster than humans are. This makes it officially possible to have more gadgets compared to the population of people globally. No other technology that has impacted humanity as the mobile phone. Mobile technology is currently the fasted expanding manmade concept ever in historical records. In just three decades, mobile phone has grown in population from zero to billions. However, like any new technology, regardless to its beneficial impacts, mobile phone comes with its unique challenges such as cyberbullying and addiction. This paper makes an argument that in spite of the common challenges brought by mobile phone use, it is still one of the technologies that has positively impacted humankind since history.
Critics of mobile phone use have largely blamed mobile phone for cyberbullying and social media addiction. With the explosion of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, mobile phone use has consistently increased with the young generation spending most of their time chatting and collaborating through these devices. The time spent on social media, as critics argue, could be spent in carrying out activities that are more important. For instant, students in learning institutions could utilize that time in improving their academic performance. Another problem that has been identified by researchers and the public is that mobile phone encourages cyberbullying. Since these devices are connected to the Internet, cyberstalking and cyberbullying has become widespread.
While social media addiction and cyberbullying are among the negative aspects of mobile devices, mobile techn...
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