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Illegal Instrumental Use and Illegal Recreational Use of Cocaine

Essay Instructions:

Ed. 9 - Read Chapter Four - The Sociological Look at Drug Use. Read The Account section (pg. 120-121), answer the questions on page 122 on a Word document and upload to the assignment site.
Ed. 8 - Read chapter One. Read the case study pg. 23- 27, answer the questions on page 27 and upload document to this assignment site.
Goode, Erich. (2015). Drugs in American Society, Ed. 9. McGraw-Hill
​Goode, Erich. (2015). Drugs in American Society, Ed. 9. McGraw-Hill

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Do you see a basic difference here between the illegal instrumental use and the illegal recreational use of cocaine?
Yes. The difference is in the fact that in the illegal instrumental use, Paige was using to help her get by the difficulties of doing her job. On the other hand, the illegal recreational use was done out of choice. Here, Paige was simply trying to get ‘high’ and not get by any difficult scenario or issue.
Do you see a difference between the legal instrumental use of a psychoactive prescription drug (obtaining a prescription from a physician for a medical or psychiatric condition) and using the same controlled drug instrumentally, but without benefit of a prescription?
Yes, I see a difference. In the legal instrumental use of a psychoactive prescription drug, a qualified specialist understands the effect of the drug and the right dose to administer. On the other hand, using the same drug without the benefit of prescription is highly likely to lead to addiction because of the disadvantage of not knowing the right dosage to administer. Also, there is also the danger of not knowing when to stop, and therefore fueling the addiction instead of using the drug instrumentally.
Do you take Paige at her word, that she never really enjoyed the use of cocaine or used it at all off the job? Would it make a difference to you if that were true?
No, I do not take her at her word because she is trying to draw the picture that she was in control of when she used. The risk of using cocaine even when circumstances at her workplace remained the same is there. And it is highly likely that she was telling herself that she was in control and never realized when she fell off the wagon.
I do not think it would make a difference because eventually, she would resort to using even outside of the difficulties of her job. Normal problems of life would have her resort to cocaine as a way to cushion herself against disappointments, frustrations, or any other pain.
Is Paige’s instrumental use of a specific psychoactive drug (cocaine) as separate and distinct from her recreational use (of Ecstasy) as she claims?
I believe that she believes there is a difference. However, the two are not separate and distinct. In either, she is trying to interfere with her feelings and perception, and therefore, there is no difference when looked at from this angle.
Does Paige’s case help you to conceptualize the distinction between instrumental and recreational use?
Yes, it does. However, it also helps me understand the disillusionment that comes with drug use. With drug use, there is no constant state. One cannot maintain, for example, a particular drinking pattern forever. At times, whichever rules that exist are broken.
Do you believe her when she says that she needed coke not only because her clients expected it but also because it enabled her to engage in some of the distasteful activities her former job demanded?
Yes, I believe her. As I have already indicated, she was trying to modify her perception and feelings. She did not like what she did. Therefore, the only way to continue along that path was to not be present with all her senses and feelings.
Does the fact that she now works at a satisfying, legitimate job and does not use cocaine give us insight about her former activities?
Yes, it does. However, it cannot be use...
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