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Gender and Sexuality Terminologies

Essay Instructions:

Chapter 6 Assignment:
Define all key terms on pg 238 in your text using your text as a reference. In addition to defining each term add one fact you learned about that term from your text
Strong, B., DeVault, C., & Cohen, T. (2017). The Marriage and Family Experience: Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society, 13th Ed. St. Paul, MN: West.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Define all the terms
Abstinence 226 – to refrain from having sexual intercourse
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 227 – a type of disease caused by HIV
anal eroticism 216 – sexual activities involving the anus
anal intercourse 216 – insertion of male’s erect penis into his partner’s anus
antigay prejudice 205- a strong dislike, fear, or hatred of lesbians and gay men because of their homosexuality.
autoeroticism 213 - Autoeroticism consists of sexual activities such as sexual fantasies, masturbation, and erotic dreams that involve only the self
bisexual 200 – people who are attracted to both genders
coitus 216 – insertion of penis into vagina
coming out 204 - For gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals, the process of publicly acknowledging one’s sexual orientation.
cunnilingus 215 - Oral stimulation for female genitals
dyspareunia 223 - Painful sexual intercourse.
erectile dysfunction 223 - Inability or difficulty in achieving erection.
extramarital sex 218 - Sexual activities, especially sexual intercourse, occurring outside the marital relationship
fellatio 215 - Oral stimulation of the male genitals
foreplay 191- Erotic activity prior to coitus, such as kissing, caressing, sex talk, and oral/genital contact; petting
gay men 201 – men who don’t identify as straight
heterosexual 200 - Sexual orientation toward members of the opposite sex.
homoeroticism 202 - Erotic attraction to members of the same sex
homophobia 205 - Irrational or phobic fear of gay men and lesbians.
homosexual 200 - Sexual orientation toward members of the same sex. See also gay male and lesbian
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 227 - The virus causing AIDS.
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