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The Iks and Human Society: Celebrate Others' Demise

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The Iks and Human Society 

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The Iks and Human Society
Human beings are social by nature, meaning that they are likely to take part in activities that bring them together into a larger group, rather than staying by themselves. They always want to be part of a group for safety and companionship among other reasons (Thomas, Lewis). It is a crucial element and one that determines the survival of the human species. This is the same way the cell is organized. In the essay about Iks, there is a rather intriguing comparison of the groups of human beings, whether at the nations’ level or even individual. Every other human being is out to make sure that their interests are attended to regardless of the impact this has on the rest of the people in the society (Albrecht, Beau).
Individual Benefits
In the essay, Thomas is clear on the fact that humans function in a manner that every other interest is directed towards individual benefits. This is to mean that humans are always looking at their interest before those of others. In the essay, it is clear that the Iks did not have any aspect of empathy with those they shared the community with (Thomas, Lewis). Even in case of the youngsters snatching food from the elderly. This is a classic sign of disrespect that exists within the society. Ideally, it is a crucial aspect that points to the level of savagery that exists between the humans (Albrecht, Beau). It is ot just at the individual level, nations have shown this same trend, where they push for changes that only favor them despite the impacts on others. With policies such as economic sanctions, countries like the US inflict economis downtime simply to push an agenda of their own.
Celebrate Others’ Demise
Whenever any of the Iks is in danger, the rest are seen to be happy that others are in danger. This is an approach that is quite literally given - humans are bound to behave in this way. In actual fact, some of the funniest videos that are found online are where other humans are falling, these are considered as part of an entertainment (Albrecht, Beau). While some number of people may detest the element of hurting others, there is an innate feeling of satisfaction that comes from watching others fall or have some element of misfortune. It is for this reason that when one has an accident these days, the first thing that people do is get their phones out of their pockets. This is to record and share over their social media sites and accounts. This is an absurd element and that is one of the most natural response for most of the people. Even where they need to step back and ask themselves if they should be recording, not many people will actually stop (Albrecht, Beau). Ironically, even at the national level, when the middle east came down as a result of the insurgencies, the west nations rushed in with the attempt to make profit, reb...
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