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Veteran’s Health Care Exploratory Internet Search

Essay Instructions:

Your objective in this assignment will be to begin familiarizing yourself with the course theme through an exploratory Internet search. Some of you may already be familiar with the theme in a general sense; some you may even know a great deal about it. The main goal of academic inquiry, however, is not typically to reinforce what we already know or believe—it is to explore and learn from different perspectives, make discoveries, enter into a conversation of ideas, and, ultimately, contribute to the process of building new knowledge. With these foci in mind, please consider the following guidelines as you complete the assignment. Invention & InquiryConsider the following as you develop your paper:• Start with a focused question to guide your search;• Research your question using a common Internet search engine (e.g., Google);• Identify and use at least three different genres for gathering information (one must be a scholarly essay).• Take notes as you examine the various resources you find, with particular emphasis on elements of the rhetorical situation (e.g., authors, audiences, purposes, genres, contexts);• Identify common points of debate and/or argument based on the notes you have taken. Who is making the arguments? What problems are being discussed? What forums are people using to make and communicate their arguments? What seems to be the most pressing issues based on the information you have gathered?

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Veteran’s Health Care
Veteran’s health care is a topic that is often unknown to many. Many Americans value the role the military play in helping secure the borders and protect the honor of the country. Indeed, many Americans would want to know how military veterans fair after active duty and how effectively they reintegrate into the society. It can be disheartening for many Americans to find that many veterans do not get to access effective health care after deployment. The purpose of this research is to find out the options and services offered to veterans as they seek effective and quality health care.
One common problem that is focus of debate in veteran’s health is the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For far too many veterans, coming back after active duty comes with some serious mental problems. Often in active duty, veterans had to live under harsh conditions and witness extreme traumatic experiences that can be haunting. One of the major problems that stems from such traumatic events is PTSD. In this way, the mental health of veterans is often an issue that is discussed and considered when discussing their health needs. It is hard to live with a mental problem such as PTSD if one does not get the required intervention, PTSD can create a lot of problems because often suffers may not be aware of its presence. Many veterans as they return from active duty do not know they could be suffering from PTSD and so they try to lead a normal life but are haunted by memories or flashbacks of their experiences. This causes a lo...
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