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If i could tell you

Essay Instructions:
Write analytical essay on the below poem -Times New Roman 12 point, double-spaced. Yes, typed! Everything is typed! -Poem, short story, article and song titles are in quotes. The exceptions would be really long poems like Homer's Odyssey. Don't worry, though, those won't come up[1]. Periods go INSIDE quotes, and outside parentheses. -When you're writing about literature, you're in the world of the text. This means you don't refer to the actors when you see a Shakespeare film. He's not Keanu, he's John the Bastard. -The world of text is current—when you write, it's “Edmund is upset because Mary seems preoccupied with money,” not “Edmund was upset because Mary was preoccupied with money.[2]” -Needless to say, you need the writing, prewriting and revising skills you gained in composition, coupled with the ability to build an argument that you have from research.[3] You know, then, that first drafts are not acceptable. I'm expecting something you've seen more than once. You also know that you should think your case through before presenting it. -You are paying attention only to the text—the characters and what the author may be trying to say. Don't use your papers as a forum to muse about the world or make sweeping statements about How People Are. It's about the text, not about the whole wide world. No reminiscing, no personal stories. -The most common error is summary. I have read the books, I have seen the films, I have even bought the t-shirts in some cases. I own a copy of all of these. It's a safe bet that I know what happened, so don't just repeat it! What happens in the text does not prove your point just by happening. Your job is to tell us an interesting point or explain a meaning—citing an example from the text is proof, but it needs an explanation. Here's an example: In Robert Browning's “My Last Duchess” the speaker, the Duke, is a man more concerned with status and objects than people. When he ends his conversation by blithely switching topics to the bronze sea-horse, he tells us that his dead wife is now what he wished her to be—another object in his collection. If I Could Tell You -- W. H. Auden (1907 - 73) Time will say nothing but I told you so, Time only knows the price we have to pay; If I could tell you I would let you know. If we should weep when clowns put on their show, If we should stumble when musicians play, Time will say nothing but I told you so. There are no fortunes to be told, although, Because I love you more than I can say, If I could tell you I would let you know. The winds must come from somewhere when they blow, There must be reasons why the leaves decay; Time will say nothing but I told you so. Perhaps the roses really want to grow, The vision seriously intends to stay; If I could tell you I would let you know. Suppose the lions all get up and go, And all the brooks and soldiers run away; Will Time say nothing but I told you so? If I could tell you I would let you know.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Institution: Instructor: Course: Date of submission: If I could tell You In the poem If I Could tell You, W.H. Auden mentions about time often, it is as though he awaits something to happen in the future. At the same time, man submits to time as he has no control over events that may follow. The speaker is uncertain about future happenings, but with time everything will be clear. Thus, the main idea of the poem revolves around time and the unpredictability of the future, but one can also learn as time goes by as the narrator appears t talk to a particular person. Focus on repetition, personification, first person narration and villanelle form lays emphasis on the author’s idea on time. The personification of time takes center stage in the poem as it is something which no human being can control. Thus, the narrator is telling the subject that one simply accepts what the future holds as time is powerful. Even when we know what the future holds we cannot change that or tell the future what to do. Personification of time also occurs through the changes that time brings as though it were a person. There is further personification of time in line 18, where time is written with a capital ‘T’ even though time is not at the beginning of the sentence. Auden in most cases personifies in his writing whist is a form of more used metaphors which makes it easy to understand (Hamilton 409). The poem’s structure is in the form of a villanelle (Arana 152), with a total of 19 lines, with the last stanza having four lines as the quatrain, with the other five stanzas with three lines as tercets (Auden). The opening stanza shows that the narrator ...
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