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Essay Instructions:
Write analytical essay on the below poem -Times New Roman 12 point, double-spaced. Yes, typed! Everything is typed! -Poem, short story, article and song titles are in quotes. The exceptions would be really long poems like Homer's Odyssey. Don't worry, though, those won't come up[1]. Periods go INSIDE quotes, and outside parentheses. -When you're writing about literature, you're in the world of the text. This means you don't refer to the actors when you see a Shakespeare film. He's not Keanu, he's John the Bastard. -The world of text is current—when you write, it's “Edmund is upset because Mary seems preoccupied with money,” not “Edmund was upset because Mary was preoccupied with money.[2]” -Needless to say, you need the writing, prewriting and revising skills you gained in composition, coupled with the ability to build an argument that you have from research.[3] You know, then, that first drafts are not acceptable. I'm expecting something you've seen more than once. You also know that you should think your case through before presenting it. -You are paying attention only to the text—the characters and what the author may be trying to say. Don't use your papers as a forum to muse about the world or make sweeping statements about How People Are. It's about the text, not about the whole wide world. No reminiscing, no personal stories. -The most common error is summary. I have read the books, I have seen the films, I have even bought the t-shirts in some cases. I own a copy of all of these. It's a safe bet that I know what happened, so don't just repeat it! What happens in the text does not prove your point just by happening. Your job is to tell us an interesting point or explain a meaning—citing an example from the text is proof, but it needs an explanation. Here's an example: In Robert Browning's “My Last Duchess” the speaker, the Duke, is a man more concerned with status and objects than people. When he ends his conversation by blithely switching topics to the bronze sea-horse, he tells us that his dead wife is now what he wished her to be—another object in his collection. SONG -- John Donne GO and catch a falling star, Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me where all past years are, Or who cleft the devil's foot, Teach me to hear mermaids singing, Or to keep off envy's stinging, And find What wind Serves to advance an honest mind. If thou be'st born to strange sights, Things invisible to see, Ride ten thousand days and nights, Till age snow white hairs on thee, Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me, All strange wonders that befell thee, And swear, No where Lives a woman true and fair. If thou find'st one, let me know, Such a pilgrimage were sweet; Yet do not, I would not go, Though at next door we might meet, Though she were true, when you met her, And last, till you write your letter, Yet she Will be False, ere I come, to two, or three.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Your Name) (Professor) (Literature, Code) 20 June 2013 An Analysis of the poem “Song” by John Donne John Donne’s “Song” is an interesting poem about how difficult it is to get a faithful woman. The speaker compares how hard it is getting a faithful woman with a number of things that are really hard to achieve such as catching a falling star or hearing of mermaid’s singing. The title “Song” suggests that the poem’s content is an issue that has been said over and again by men until it appears like it is a song for now. The author’s adept use of diction, structure, imagery, and direct address, makes the poem convey the message about the difficulty of finding a faithful woman in a convincing manner. The poem begins with an imperative tone as the speaker tells the addressee to accomplish a raft of impossibilities: “Go and catch a falling star/Get with child a mandrake root/Tell me where all past years are” (1-3).Even if one achieved these, it would still be even harder to get a faithful woman. In the subsequent lines(10-12),the speaker continues to give an alternative suggestion that even if the addressee embarked on a long adventurous journey/odyssey, he(speaker) is certain that the addressee will never find a faithful woman anywhere, “And swear/No where/Lives a woman true and fair”(16-18).And even if in any case he were to find such anywhere, to let him know: “If thou find’st one,let me know”(19).The speaker continues to say that he knows such a journey to where she is would be nice, but on a second thought, he changes his mind and tells the addressee not to inform him for he(speaker) would not go even if the woman was found next door, “Yet do not, I would not go” (21).The reason is because the fair woman might have since changed, “Though she were true, when you met her/Yet she/Will be/False, ere I come, to two, or three” (23,25-27).These lines reveal the speaker’s cynici...
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