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Life of a Dictator

Essay Instructions:

This will be the day in the life of a dictator. I want you to imagine that you are the dictator of a small, imaginary country. Consider the atmosphere of this setting, the foods that are popular, the music, perhaps even the language: anything that would make the nation more real in the minds of the reader. You have ruled this nation for twenty years. How do you maintain your grip on power? How do you deal with those who rebel against your governance? What is going on in your country on that very day? I want you to be as cruel and as bloodthirsty as you wish (remember, this is an imaginative exercise in which you are inhabiting the body and mind of what is essentially a dictatorial monster). Describe your personality: your habits and routines, your personal life, tidbits about your past, the food you like to eat, the music you adore, the books you read, and even quote from books or articles or films that have been made about you, if you wish--all and anything that will help paint a convincing portrait. You have just read two very different approaches to the dictator so give free rein to your imagination. You story MUST have an interesting title. This must consist of 500-800 words. This short story assignment is due on October 30th by 12:00 p.m. Please be sure your paper is written in Times New Roman, 12 or 14 point font, double-spaced

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Student Last Name 1
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Crushstan: Crushing Dissent
This is 20 years now! Time flies by. I can see my country, Crushstan, has developed a mood for dissent. Dissent! The ungrateful! Twenty years of public service to my Crushstan and all I get is dissent. Sitting now and watching my special guard crush dissenters on TV, I wonder why any Crushstanist would dissent. This is not even a word my Crushstanists used to hear a few years ago. I must have been so lenient recently granting Crushstanists freedom to go out and set up celebrations at public parks – parks usually reserved only to showcase my achievements and were close to Crushstanists. (Ah! I can see scores shot dead now on my screen.) The faces appear angry and some, I see, are making moves I never imagined a Crushstanists would do. This is how dissent looks like? Making incomprehensible noises in my public parks? This is fist instance ever I have sent my special forces to public parks to face Crushstanists. (I see a woman wailing after an infant, perhaps hers, got shot. Is losing a child something anyone would wail for?) This should not, however, distract from what I see now on my screen.
For 20 years, I have been a perfect ruler of a once purposeless and wretched country. For 20 years, I have been upending and starting lives, moving crowds and creating a whole new sense of home. For 20 years, I have been supporting my country men and women by applying excises for a better life. For 20 years, I have been amassing fortunes not for any personal gain but to make sure future generations prosper after years of sacrifices of parents and grandparents.
Student Last Name 2
Today is 20 years away from when I first landed in PeaceLand, a name my...
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