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2 pages/≈550 words
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Descriptive Essay; describing a place Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

The prompt (topic) for the descriptive essay is to describe a place that is special, either in memories or in the present. The place described in response to this prompt should be a location that is very familiar. Students should bring the reader into the world described by using great detail. What can you see, hear, smell, taste, feel, and what emotions come over you?

500–600 words, five paragraphs minimum, standard paper format requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Watamu Beach Description
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Watamu Beach Description
Watamu Beach is located about 90 kilometers to the north of Mombasa. I visited the beach three years ago when we were on a family holiday. It is a serene place along the coast of the Indian Ocean. This is a destination for tourists, local visitors, and travelers. The climate of the areas is hot and humid. The beach feels like a heated microwave most of the time, which has been turned offer after heating a meal. There is a moment when the beach is quiet, a cool breeze blowing across the shiny sand. Watamu beach is sunny, and several sea animals visit here. During summer, whales, dolphins, seagulls, and other types of fish visit the shore. They can be observed from the shore or through boat riding. Other scenic events taking place in Watamu beach is water skiing, especially when the winds are strong. This is a major tourist attraction in the region.
People from all parts of the world visit the place to enjoy the breeze as the cool blue water lap their feet. When the sun is overhead, many individuals bask in the sand, turning from side to side and diving in the lush blue waters. The waves are usually strong during the afternoon. There is a strong roaring of the wind at this time, and it is th...
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