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The Element the TV Show

Essay Instructions:

Choose a work of fiction (novel or story) or poetry, a film or television show, or a song, and provide an analysis of one aspect of the work and what it does. For example, as a graduate student, I once analyzed Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the film’s use of the aspect of defiance.

You will be able to choose any of the types of work that we discussed in class. You are not restricted to using the specific works we've talked about, but may study them in more depth if you would like. Did you notice an important element in a poem like “An Arundel Tomb”, in a song like “Sympathy for the Devil”, or a television show like Family Guy?

Identify this element or aspect and create a paper of 900-1200 words, double spaced, with a reasonable font choice (10 or 11 point Calibri or Times New Roman) with a focused thesis statement that clearly indicates your paper’s main idea. For example, the thesis of my Monty Python paper was that The Pythons use the element of defiance throughout the film, through the behavior of characters (like Dennis The Peasant, who does not accept Arthur as his king, or Launcelot, who attempts to act against his own particular idiom) and through their spoofing of a sacred cultural mythology, that they are encouraging their audience to defy traditional models of looking at the Arthurian legends. I focused my paper on exploring and developing this idea, but your paper for this course will be a lot shorter and focus on a simpler aspect of your chosen media piece.

So, in short:

Choose a work to analyze (novel or story, poem, song, film, television show, video game with story elements)

Identify an element of the work to focus on analyzing.

Create a clear thesis statement that indicates your main idea about this element and how the work uses it.

Use supporting evidence from the source material to support and develop your thesis.

Include a clear introduction and conclusion where you introduce readers to your thesis and main idea (introduction) and restate your thesis and summarize your paper’s main ideas (conclusion).

If you are citing a text, include in-text citations using MLA citation style (Don’t worry too much about this as you prepare your rough draft. We’ll discuss guidelines of MLA style before Peer Review, so you will be able to advise your classmates on how to use it.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Free Pick Analyzing
Family Guy is not in any way, an enduring TV show. One would think that it should have been over by now, given its extensive number of seasons or the controversy associated with it. But it is not as it is still a favorite in many households. It goes without saying that the show's humor is always on point. As you watch the show alone or even in the presence of a member of the opposite gender, you begin to realize how inappropriate some of its content can be. The show's hegemonic masculinity is evident from the beginning. In episode one, Peter over-indulges even after promising Lois that he would not drink too much. This can be excused as common behavior since most people cannot control themselves once they begin drinking. But Peter's behavior the next morning is what's startling. He is lying on the dining table with no regard for his children seated at it, taking breakfast. The most disturbing thing is that his behavior shows no respect for his wife. It is this kind of hegemonic masculinity that prevails throughout the show. Hence, this paper seeks to analyze hegemonic masculinity, as portrayed by Peter in Family Guy.
I began to research reviews and perceptions from viewers in general. In particular, their views on how the show's content reinforces American perceptions of gender and masculinity. I realized that the practice of creating a character like Peter Griffin is something that has been happening since the early 1950s. The 1950s and 1960s were a time in American society when men were viewed as primary breadwinners and sole decision-makers. However, times have changed as women have taken up each of these roles. Despite this, Family Guy appears to promote part of what happens to have been the norm in the mid-20th century. Deviating from this is not helped by the fact that the show airs on Fox.
From the introductory credits, hegemonic masculinity is evident. As Peter and Lois sing about the content of today's TV, Peter is visibly the dominant figure as he takes up almost two-thirds of the entire screen. Also, when Peter sings about good old-fashioned values, there is a lot that one can take from t...
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