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The Ban on WeChat and TikTok

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The Ban on WeChat and TikTok.
Jee, Charlotte. “The TikTok and WeChat Ban that wasn’t: Here’s what’s happening now”MIT Technology Review, 2020.
The information from this source is reliable because it gives accounts of what happened, and it has included several links as proof of research. The article is published by the MIT Technology Review, which is among the top leading publishing cites, making it a secondary source. The article is very detailed as it provides answers to the questions raised.
Huang, Keman & Madnick, Stuart. “The TikTok Ban Should Worry Every Company.” Harvard Business Review, 2020.
It is a reliable source because it addresses why companies need to be concerned about the ban imposed. It is a secondary source because it contains statistical analysis and the research published on a reputable site. The article addresses the issue of the effect the ban will have on the different companies that were investors.
Wong, Q., et al. “The TikTok saga: Everything you need to know.” CNET,
The information in this article is from a reliable source because of the reviews that the cite gets. It is a secondary source because most of the information is published. The published information states facts and different issues and questions addressed in depth.
According to the statistics and the analysis done, about 33 percent and 21 percent of the people are against the ban of TikTok and WeChat, respectively. The people who were against the ban on TikTok were mostly young people and free speech watchdogs. Those people supported the idea because they did not like the content produced, and there were claims of leakage of their data. The imposed ban brought about many controversial topics.
There are different perspectives and views of the ban that was imposed by President Trump. Some companies were to suffer because of the ban because they used the application to advertise their products. These two applications have many users, making it possible for different companies to advertise their products after releasing it to the public. The other perspective considered the employees that worked for the two companies.
The legal aspect of the ban is my main point of interest. The ban on WeChat failed because of the first amendment. According to the judge in San Francisco, the ban imposed was against the first amendment. TikTok, on the other hand, sued the government, and they made a deal with Oracle, where they requested them to make them a trusted technology provider.
There are specific questions that come to mind concerning this ban. What would be the financial implication if the ban was to go through? What were the counter-arguments made by TikTok and WeChat? Was the ban made based on a bias accusation or observation? How did the ban affect the relationship between the two countries? Why is it that most young people and free speech watchdogs were against the ban? Were there any compensations made?
The Trump’s administration has often targeted Chinese companies in an effort to settle some traditional scores.
The decision to ban the companies has generated fear, confusion, and panic around the world. the move sent shockwaves through the technology sector and the industries that relied on the app to market and sell their products in the Chinese market. The affected companies will have no option but to shift to new apps that unfortunately have not been popular with the population. The Chinese government and population do not perceive this as move to protect the U.S. citizens against exploitation but perceived it as a competition strategy in which the U.S. was trying to suppress China’s rise economically. According to Yik Chan Chin, a researcher on global media and communications policy based at the Liverpool University in Suzhou, the move has created a bad impression and China (Al Jazeera). The Chinese are now boycotting some of the U.S. products believing that they are being fought.
WeChat with over a billion users is support a vast population and helps communicate. The move saw many people exchange their phone numbers and emails as they strived to seek alternative means of communication. Large multinationals, from Wal-Mart Inc. and Starbucks Corp t...
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