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Identity as Expressed in Stories

Essay Instructions:

Theme: Identity
Use the 3 works from the attachment: When you connect the work to the theme, think about the following questions: 1) what do these works have in common, 2) how do they relate to the modern reader in relation to that theme and 3) how do I, as a college freshman, relate to the theme through the works.

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The theme of identity is expressed in stories to make the reader attracted and have a sense of relationship with both the emotions and the characters themselves. This theme helps a reader understand the state of mind of a person is full of strenuous thoughts concerning what they are and who they want to be. Notably, one can try to redesign their identity as much as they want but can never really change it. Though very interesting if understood, the identity theme is a very exhausting topic to understand. The Cinderella story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin and What they Carried stories, are astounding books that describe the identity themeCITATION Jac13 \p 18 \l 1033 (Grimm and Grimm 18). All three books, deal with people who have tried to change their identity in order to fit in or become more content with the society they appertain with.
The Cinderella story is basically about a girl who is mistreated by her stepsisters and her stepmother and had to prove to be the rightful royalty bride by undergoing the slipper test as she has lost one after running away from a princeCITATION Jac13 \p 21 \l 1033 (Grimm and Grimm 21). Evidently, she had been reduced to a degradation state and was forced to occupy the maid’s position with a connection to the ashes. Due to her insecurity and low -self-esteem, she does not answer back on the insults hurled to her by her cruel step family.
She wishes she could be someone else and attend the ball she got to appear for the occasion as a beautiful brilliant person with a complete change of identity. With the help of the bird at the tree on her mother’s grave, she gets a dress and shoes and always returning to her assigned position until finally she is discovered. Cinderella’s real identity being discovered, makes her remain brilliant permanently through the help of her lost slipper. She portrays a riches recovered story rather than the normal rags to richesCITATION Jac13 \p 22 \l 1033 (Grimm and Grimm 22). A rescued princess from the wicked and improper enslavement she does not suffer anymore but rather wins at power sharing.
In the Story of an hour, the author gives us an insight into Mrs. Mallard and how she behaves at the news of the death of her husband. Mrs. Mallard has mixed emotions as she is saddened for her loss yet joyful. Basically, Kates stories depict that a person uncovers their identity only after being released from their captivity or bondageCITATION Kat14 \p 33 \l 1033 (Chopin 33). It is evident that the story portrays the power that freedom has over the emotional and mental state of a person. Only through death could Mrs. Mallard be free for her identity as a wife was no identity at all for, she was known for her status and gender under her husband.
All her life she is to be a Mrs. Mallard and cannot have an identity she can regard as her own. Mrs. Mallard's real name is Louise, which is revealed at the end of the story when her sister worried of her mourning asks her to open the door. Her name was not known due to the fact that her identity was hidden in the definition of her gender and relation to the husbandCITATION Kat14 \p 12 \l 1033 (Chopin 12). She discovers that her days of domestic repeated tasks are over when she learns that she now has freedom.
She doesn’t love her husband yet she had sometimes loved him but often, she had not. She doesn’t love the man she refers to as a husband but still has to stick with him. The news of his death depicts that she is free and no longer defined by the identity of society that is being a wife for being a wife kills self-identity. The song in the story portrays the song of freedom from captivity and the birds mean that she can finally spread her wings and fly from the traditions. However, Mr. Mallard appears and having no idea of the accident that happened gives Mrs. Mallard a heart attack depicting that freedom can only be attained through deathCIT...
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