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Identifying Western Country: The Levels of Culture

Essay Instructions:

Meet with someone who is culturally “other” from you in some way other than gender/sex. Interview that person. Generate questions to guide your interview. (Your work will be graded partly on the insightfulness of your questions.) Base your questions on material (generally or specifically) from the primary textbook in the class. Write a report on your interview. What did you learn? Begin by making an argument for how this person is “other” for you. Next, write an essay that addresses the answers to the questions. Generate a structured, coherent paper of about 3 pages. Integrate material from the course as you write the report.

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Western Country: The Levels of Culture
With the vast possibilities that the world holds, there is also vast knowledge beyond the comprehension of people. The same goes with categorizing human beings in different ways where they can be presented based on their ethnicity, age, nationality, gender, and many more. Culture also falls under this, which also divides people from their background. This paper will present the different levels of culture that are present in a Western country.
Culture and Star
For Ting-Toomey & Chung, culture is a factor that develops and identifies the events that are continuously happening and creates an image of shared identity. They also explained that it identifies the differences of shared identities that evolved the idea of cultures. In this case, the person I interviewed, given Star as her pseudonym, is considered different from me as we both have different nationalities and grew up in different environments. She is a woman who was born and grew up in Texas, United States, and learned English as her first language. She is a pureblood American and has a more stable financial and social status in society. Compared to mine, her environment is more liberated and different. The same goes with some traditionalistic patterns such as educational attainment and gender. These are just a few of the differences that we both hold from one another. The only similar thing between us is our sex and age. To further discuss, below are the different levels of culture from her perspective.
Surface-Level Culture: Popular Culture
Ting-Toomey & Chung imaged popular culture as the tip of the iceberg, where he explained that these are the things that represent a specific culture that is universally known to all. To elaborate more, they presented that these are the daily occurrences that people experience through television, social media, and many more. In the case of Star, she had experienced various popular cultures that are sure to be known to the majority of people. Since Star grew up in an environment that is not limited by traditional views, which implies that they are not conservative, she learned that wearing a small number of clothes outside is expected. Since Western music videos and artists present such ideals, people with the same cultures are being influenced. Star also explained that her parents were not that strict, so her actions are also not limited, although if, to a ce...
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