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Identify And Explain The Problem Or Issue That Drives Your Inquiry

Essay Instructions:

Writing Exercise II: Research Proposal


Expert researchers do more than simply collect information and report on it. They identify problems, ask questions, consult databases, study the scholarly conversation, gather and analyze data, and present new findings both to their research communities and to non-expert audiences. They also spend time convincing others that their research is worth undertaking at all. With these foci in mind, your aim in this assignment will be to propose a study that you can continue to develop through the remainder of the semester. What follows are some guidelines for helping you engage with this process.

Part I: Providing Context

Compose 1-2 paragraphs in which you do the following:

Identify and explain the problem or issue that drives your inquiry;

Propose a research question that you can use to focus your study. Specifically, you should begin with an indirect question and refine it as you learn more about the problem you have identified: I am studying ___________________ problem because I want to find out what/why/how possible solutions ________________, ____________________, and ____________________ will work.

Part II: Describing Particulars

Compose 3 paragraphs in which you do the following:

Identify and describe the audience for your inquiry (general); Identify and describe the audience for your inquiry (academic);

Identify and describe the methods you will use to answer your question, including the specific types of evidence or information/data you may need to collect to add to existing scholarship.

Identify at least one organization responsible for your problem now, and design interview questions that will help you understand their role, perceive their understanding of the problem, steps taken toward solving the problem already, possible funding opportunities, and any other relevant points, including whether or not any other source would be ideal to interview.

Part III: Explaining Significance

Compose 2 paragraphs in which you do the following:

Thoroughly describe the scope/dimensions/impact of the problem that you plan to solve. You will answer the following questions: who (very specifically) is affected by the problem? How are they affected by the problem? To what extent? How exactly are they affected? What are the themes that you have noticed in the research that you've already done about the problem? Will the problem worsen or get better on its own in the coming years? How did this problem come about?

Explain the potential significance of your inquiry for the audience you have identified. You might ask: When you have proposed your solution, what will be different than it was before? How will your research contribute to an existing body of knowledge? What other benefits (e.g., social, educational, economic) might come out of your research?

Specific Requirements

Your proposal should:

Provide a clear foundation for your inquiry;

Be ~3-4 double spaced pages (1000 words maximum);

Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;

Use 12 point Times New Roman typeface;

Use MLA citation style;

Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

The overall aim of this assignment is to help you clarify the scope of your inquiry. So, try to approach it as an opportunity to pursue a question that is meaningful to you and that you can answer, as fully as possible, by the conclusion of the semester. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Yiqing Gao
Institution: Chase Pielak
Course: ENGL-1120
Paper 2: Assimilation
Part I: Providing Context
As more Muslim immigrants move to the west, they, their children and descendants will likely be faced with the challenge of assimilating in open societies because of the language, religious and cultural differences and even face discrimination. Sometimes one generation is more integrated, but at times there is rebellion against assimilation. Even the second generation immigrants who speak the language of their adopted county like the natives may face assimilation problems and be discrimination. I am studying the assimilation problem to because I want to find out how anti terrorism and radicalization policies will influence assimilation solutions.
Part II: Describing Particulars
The audience is the general public concerned with immigration and the problem of assimilation from immigrant Muslims including second and third generation individuals and families. Assessing how changes in perceptions influence the assimilation of Muslims and their treatment by law enforcement agencies will provide insights on how this influences their assimilation (Klor and Gould). those who reject the idea that there is victimization of Muslims highlight that politicians across the political divide and the mainstream media are partly to blame for perpetuating this ‘myth’ (Mamou) and (Pipes). I will also look at what scholars and academicians have addressed focusing on assimilation of Muslims in the West and the strategies that are effective to facilitate their integration. Similarly, barriers to integration and assimilation are identified.
I will conduct literature review to evaluate how different writers and scholars have addressed the assimilation of Muslims in western societies. I will look at evidence on perceptions about the place of Muslims in the western societies from reports on Muslim victimization. Additionally, I will look at surveys that address Muslim assimilation, identities, community and the public view on Muslims. Vertovec (85) pointed out that even as there has been growth and tolerance of immigrants and minorities in the west, there has been a rise in extreme right-wing anti-immigrant political parties.
Even Muslims sometimes cite victimization as the reason for their failure to integrate and assimilate into mainstream American society (Farrokh). The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is one nongovernmental organization involved in promoting civil liberties. The organization has also focused on promoting religious freedom including ending discrimination against Muslims and even offering legal advice to immigrants. This extends to bringing lawsuits to support anti-discrimination policies and calling for the end to unconstitutional surveillance programs that are associated with religious profiling. ACLU accepts donations from the public and organizations.
Part III: Explaining Significance
The problem affects the immigrant communities or those with an immigrant backgrounds who have not fully integrated into the mainstream society (Hassan,). Muslims in...
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