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Arguments and Conflicts in Life

Essay Instructions:

To be eligible for full credit you must answer every question in explicit detail. Develop coherent, well-supported essays. Each essay should be a minimum of one page in length. However, I encourage you to go beyond the minimum requirements.

You will earn points or lose points based upon your ability to write thoughtful, error-free essays.

Essay 1:

Arguments and persuasion are part of our everyday lives. We argue, persuade and are persuaded repeatedly throughout the day. Take inventory of the arguments and examples of persuasion within a twenty-four hour period of your life. Write about what happened, why it happened, how you reacted, and the eventual outcome. I encourage you to consider conversations, articles, advertisements, and arguments in their many forms.

You do not necessarily have to recall every instance. Instead, select 3-4 examples and analyze them to the best of your ability. Write about instances you are comfortable sharing with me.

Essay 2:

Throughout this class you encountered a variety of writers. Select a small sample, (2-3 texts) of the articles/reading samples throughout the class and analyze the connections among your sample. Consider discussing some of the key concepts you learned throughout the class. You might discuss some of the obvious connections, or connections that might not appear at first glance. Why did you select these particular articles? How did you connect to these articles? What stood out to you about the author’s writing style?

In order to be eligible for full credit, you must avoid summarizing the articles. Instead, critically examine your selected articles and write about them.

Essay 3:

Evaluate your performance as a writer in this class. Upon completing this class what are your strengths as a writer? Areas for improvement? How did these categories change throughout the class, (or didn’t they change?) Provide examples from the class to enhance your response. For example, what assignments were the most valuable learning experiences? What are your areas for growth as you prepare to take Composition II? Finally, what grade would you award yourself, and why?

let me know if you have any questions it should be the 3 questions 1 page per question.

it doesn't need to have a heading or the top MLA thing such as name, instructor, date or course

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Essay 1
In some sense, arguments can be a reason for conflicts to be triggered in life due to the difference in opinions. In our everyday life, arguments can be found in many forms, this could be in a form of direct persuasion or even a simple difference in ideals and thoughts. From this onward, I will present the different experiences of arguments that I faced during these past twenty-four hours.
As early as I open my eyes in the morning, I argue within myself if I should continue sleeping or I should wake up since I have chores to do. Another kind of early sign of arguments of the day is when I contemplate between being lazy or be productive. I even persuade myself that I should wake up early and have my breakfast so that I could start my day and start my tasks. In the end, I closed my eyes despite the continuous persuasion of my brain to wake up. These kinds of arguments within the self can be found as simple but have a great effect on the whole day afterward. According to Briñol et al., self-persuasion can be done both directly and indirectly, and in my case, I did it directly as I directed myself to choose between the given choices. Also, it was presented in his study that it has a positive effect on the changes in attitudes and behaviors. That is why, after choosing to wake up late, I only did a few of the tasks that I was supposed to do. The last example of this today would be earlier when I was talking with a friend and she told me that she has not yet done her homework so I told her to do it. And there, I was indirectly influenced by persuasion and did my homework.
Persuasion arguments are mostly done as a form of motivation to other people, the same goes for me. Although through experience, I am sure that not all persuasion arguments take effect. That is why when people use this kind of argument, people should be aware of its environment and the variables that could greatly affect the persuasion method.
Briñol, Pablo, Michael J. McCaslin, and Richard E. Petty. "Self-generated persuasion: effects of the target and direction of arguments." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102.5 (2012): 925. DOI: 10.1037/a0027231
Essay 2
People are greatly influenced by many internal and external variables that shape their personalities and perspectives. Just like in our everyday life, different factors influence our decisions, such as choosing what shirt we should wear or picking which food to eat. These factors greatly influence us just like in the stories of my two chosen articles/readings. After this are a brief analysis of the two chosen articles/readings and how it relates in my life.
The life story of Starr greatly moved my heart as he presented his love towards his grandmother and how she influenced him in many ways. It was a heartwarming story that could ins...
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