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In Graphic Detail: How The Economist Creates Its Data Journalism

Essay Instructions:

Webinar #3: "In Graphic Detail: How The Economist Creates Its Data Journalism"

The Economist Webinar optional assignments consist of two parts:

FIRST: View the Webinar thoughtfully in its entirety (about one hour);


SECOND: Write a one-page reflection following the instructions below.

1) In the first paragraph give a brief summary of the Webinar, using enough detail to demonstrate to me that you watched and paid attention to the whole thing from start to finish.

2) In the second paragraph, explain what stood out for you. Guiding questions: What did you notice? What did you learn? What do you want to remember? Why was it NOT a waste to spend one hour of your time listening to these journalist professionals (with their beautiful British accents), talk about the world, its challenges, and the biggest challenge of all: reporting truthfully about the news, week in and week out? Show me your thought process. Make connections between the Webinar and other things you may know or may have learned this semester from our class or elsewhere.

3) A third concluding paragraph is optional.


1) Single-spaced, 11-pt. font, aim for between 550-650 words or so.

2) Write the word count in the right-hand corner of your paper.

3) Use crisp, grammatically correct writing.

4) Proofread before you submit.

5) One-page max; self-edit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Word Count: 554
Reflection on Graphic Detail Discussion Webinar
The webinar in focus involves three individuals, including Nauta, the host, and two other experts, a graphic detail expert, Alex, and a journalist named Rose. The main discussion in the webinar is majorly on the evolution of graphic details on how it has changed over time. The panelists in the webinar also discuss how the graph illustrations have been transformed and used to illustrate different data, from the COVID-19 vaccine's efficacy levels to human perception of music and other data on the reception of the COVID-19 vaccine among the general public. Alex provides insights into how the graphic illustrations are developed and how they could obtain data on matters, such as the COVID 19, that had no readily available data until the virus was declared a pandemic. The webinar also provides illustrations on how election polls are designed and illustrated to the viewers through the graphs with the relevant example of the recently concluded United States general election.
What stands out from the webinar is the transformation that the graphical illustrations have undergone with time. Data journalist, Alex, explains how the 1950's data charts were difficult to read as the details were not well established before the blue background bar graphs came into place in the 1990s. Through the webinar, one can learn how the eventual detailed graphical illustrations that included regional maps were invented by improving the previous charts and graphs. The webinar is quite exciting and as it enlightens viewers on the field of data that is not widely covered or discussed in the mainstream despite being a key element in journalism. This is because commercial reporting rarely lacks a graphical illustration, hence under...
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