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Julius Caesar's Quote: “I Came, I Saw, I Conquered”

Essay Instructions:

Student’s Last Name Page # (This must be in the header)

Student’s Name Ashish kumar

Professor’s Name-Sam Nie

Assignment Title- I came, I Saw, I Spun


Standard Essay Format

Following Modern Language Association guidelines, this page demonstrates the standard format for essays and learning journal responses. Left, right, top, and bottom margins are set at one inch, and a header with the writer’s last name and page number is set at one-half inch from the top of every page and right-justified.

The standard heading at the top left is left-justified and double-spaced. For the purposes of this course, I’ve added an extra line after the course title in the heading so that both you and I can easily recognize which assignment it is. After the heading, the title of the essay is centered above the body of the essay. This title does not require quotation marks or underlining, nor does it need to be bold.

All of the other text is left-justified, double-spaced, and set in Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier New font no larger than size 12. The first line of each paragraph begins with a onehalf inch tab, and there should be no extra spaces between paragraphs.

For more information on formatting essays and research projects, see A Guide to MLA Documentation in the library and on the internet.


• The essays should be typed double-spaced, on one side of a sheet, with margins of 1″ on all sides.

Number all pages consecutively; paginate the Works Cited page as a continuation of your text. Indent the first word of each paragraph a half-inch (five or six spaces; be consistent).

• Type, double-spaced on the left margin, the following information: your name, name of the instructor, course number and title, assignment title. Give your papers an interesting title (it should suggest the content of the paper; you may also use a subtitle).

• Use italics or underline titles of books, magazines, newspapers, and shorter works published

independently. Use quotation marks (″...″) for titles of short stories, poems, and magazine and newspaper articles. Proofread for errors. Write in an essay form.

• When you do any research, carefully cite and document your sources. Remember that your purpose is to make your ideas and judgments as persuasive as possible, so be sure to stick to your line of argument, to cite examples, and to explain terms.

• Avoiding Plagiarism: Plagiarism is academic cheating or using someone′s words or ideas without

giving proper credit - or without giving any credit at all - to the writer of the original. Whether plagiarism is intentional or unintentional, it is a serious offense that you can avoid by citing or documenting your sources. A plagiarized essay will receive a failing grade; flagrant cheating, in more than one essay, will result in failing the course.

I added the PDF file and the essay will be based on the story. Can you please make sure we use work citation and also if we can avoid using complex words.


90-100: Superior work beyond course objectives and expectations. Grammar and mechanics are well executed and development of ideas is superlative. Organization of ideas shows good skills in completing each task. Work shows high motivation and intent to persevere and improve skills and complete course objectives. Work also shows thinking skills and intention, as well as courage in attempting unfamiliar topics and ideas.

80-89: Excellent skills that show students’ ability in organization, development, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and knowledge of good essay writing. Work also shows thinking skills, intentions, and high motivation.

I have added the picture of the story and essay will be based on story analysis:

WordsCharactersReading time
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
I Came, I Saw, I Spun
“I Came, I Saw, I Conquered” is the famous quote used by Julius Caesar in 47 BC while writing a letter to Roman Senate. However, the article published by Jason Karpf used the famous quote of Caesar for discussing the marketing practices used by political leaders for dominating the region with utmost popularity. Arguably, the successful leaders in the political and literary histories are a marketing genius, which is an important attribute for satisfying stakeholders and expand leadership reputation to a massive reach. Among such geniuses, Caesar is one of the excellent minds that used modern marketing tactics in breaking traditional practices of kingship followed among Romans and became a dominant entity until today.
Undoubtedly, excellence in the leadership practices of Caesar indicated the credible vision of an individual responsible for managing the administration of a country. According to Karpf, Caesar was a contemporary leader that utilized the concept of inventive consistent marketing in order to persuade opinions or responses of people positively (18). By theoretical definition, inventive consistent marketing refers to creativity and innovative thinking of a leader that connects directly with the audience constantly (Titus, 237). In the case of Caesar, the consistency in addressing two primary stakeholders, namely the Roman Senate and Roman populace, was evident and distinct from the previous rulers. Caesar understood that political and social redefinition in the Roman system is the key for accomplishing and sustaining supremacy. Hence, the leader is considered one of the most contemporary practitioners of that particular era.
Karpf stated that Caesar used three communication channels for persuading the audience, namely commentaries, public spectacles, and coinage. The commentaries were battlefield observations compiled by Caesar for the Roman Senate particularly (18). In the modern era of marketing, commentaries practiced by Caesar are referred to as contents, which brands create for addressing and engaging the target audiences at regular intervals (Nguyen and Simkin, 1-2). In the modern era marketing, content is created in the form of a story, documenting the pain points of customers and identifying characters that could fit in the process. Similarly, Caesar tends to present the commentaries or contents by using solid and journalistic tone, which entertained the interests of readers. The depiction of rich characters and event details in the compiled commentaries presented by Caesar transformed the opinions of the audiences. The Roman public became determined to accepting Caesar as a leader.
Karpf further highlighted the significance of public spectacles used by Caesar for establishing dominance in the early stages of the ruling period (19). In the modern era, progressive brands use...
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