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A Research Paper on Why Humans Should be Considered Superior

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05 December 2017
A Research Paper on Why Humans Should be Considered Superior
Historical events, cultural evidences, and scientific proof all point out that man is superior over all other forms of species and animals. The human brain functions differently allowing men to communicate intelligently with other human beings and create brilliant works of arts and structures. Since time immemorial, theologians, philosophers and scientists have all been baffled with the mystery of the human brains. An ordinary animal such as the horse, dog or dolphins are considered the most brilliant with their kind for having exemplary shown a deeper instinct in adapting to the environment and fighting predators to keep themselves safe from harm. This paper focuses on several arguments and theories as to why men ought to be considered superior than the animals and other form of living things. Man’s wisdom extends far beyond the animal kingdom and this research paper will elucidate in the grounds and factors that make men superior. Mostly, the millennials and Americans have varying concept on the superiority of the humankind. A series of literature review are enumerated in this paper to support the argument that Men are indispensable since they do all the complicated and dangerous works, tasked with protecting men, women and children and develop civilizations or infrastructures through meticulous planning and organization skills.
Rationale Behind Why Men are Superior over all Species
According to Choi, C. Q. that men are considered superior over all living things by
reason of how our brains function and how we are able to communicate articulately amongst other beings and fellow humans. Men and women are known to be high achievers in various areas and fields of developments. Some work as Engineers, while others as Doctors, Lawyers, Firemen, Police Officers, Presidents, Kings and Queens, Military Personnel and etc. These factors could never be equaled by any animal or lowly being no matter how intelligent or smart these animals may be. Men were all created to lead and to stand for what is right. Human beings have principles, a conscience and heart that understands emotions and behavioral patterns. Men are the highest form of being in the universe. Despite men’s imperfections and frailties, human beings have the ability to change for the better, to improve and to become the best in whatever field of endeavor they have engaged in. No animal could ever communicate, talk, walk, feel like humans do. The only level of superiority varies between the human beings themselves in terms of rank or position. As researched and discussed by author and writer Choi, C.Q. that there are major factors that make humans special such as speech, upright posture, nakedness, clothing,
Women also exhibit prowess by asserting professionalism, power and authority in work and in the respective field of sciences they are involved in. The ability to lead and follow are exceptional qualities that animals could never imitate nor copy. Having character and attitude are attributes that are found in a man’s psychological and behavioral abilities to understand and feel the predicaments and suffering of other people. These are also psychological factors that enable men to feel happiness and joy in their experiences in life. Nothing could imitate this kind of behavior since all these are only innate in men.
Moreover, Firestone, Randall S. (p.2), elucidates that with regard to the latest scientific research on the abilities of animals, such thought experiment exposes several relevant similarities between humans and animals however, all these relevant similarities are not morally important. Human beings have a sense of justice which animals do not have. They don’t have a sense of morality or that of what is right and wrong. Although they see the suffering of other animals and help in the process, despite the fact that animals also feel and bear pain, their intellectual and emotional level cannot decipher nor articulate in words and actions the reason behind the suffering. Likewise, animals do not understand what challenges and obstacles are. These are the important aspects that determine how a man could improve in his ways and endeavors. A dog
has the ability to pick up a bone, or save his master from harm’s way, and obey but these does not go beyond the ability to speak, think, communicate, use motor skills for building and destroying similarly to what human beings are capable of accomplishing. In addition, Randall furthermore identifies that we ought to ask ourselves whether we could choose a particular principle of justice that would govern our interactions between species to prove how intelligent and powerful human beings are on earth. Accordingly, human beings have experiences that could never be attributed to animals like having fear of death or that fear of acquiring a fatal sickness, that feeling of desiring to be respected and highly esteemed by others which such desire possibly leading to a fulfilling life. Human beings also have the passion and drive to achieve goals and provide solutions to certain issues and dilemma, solving problems at hand. These are actions that no animal could perform hence, the reasoning that human beings are superior to animals.
Additionally, Firestone, Randall S. (p.5), states that despite the fact that human beings have potentially a higher form of self-awareness and a deeper understanding of life accompanied by strong hopes and dreams for the future as compared to other animals, the human life is indeed valuable but it gives no license to inflict suffering upon animals just because they are weak and lesser than humans. Yes indeed men are superior overall because they have a heart that understands the sacrifices and plight of others. Their rational behavior explains the reason for certain actions and decisions. Animals cannot decide for themselves or neither decide on matters that are of life and death situations.
On another hand, researcher and analyst Hogenboom, Melissa has a different and contrary view. She explained that the more we investigate the animal kingdom, the more we believe that the statement that only humans are moral and emotional is not true. Furthermore, numerous scientists are convinced that all these traits which are deemed to be hallmarks of humanity, are also found in animals. Several researchers and writers have different views as to the superiority of man. Nevertheless, proof of their high calling and intellect could be seen mostly anywhere. From the bridges built, buildings and skyscrapers, to the airplanes and military bases protecting the country as a means of security, the products sold and manufactured in the markets, the clothing apparel sown and created, the television commercials or big screen movies produced. All these are reflection of what is inside a man’s brain, how we think, move, act and use our intellectual capacity to survive and live our lives. There are people who say that human beings came from apes which evolved through time. If this be the case then the evolution is not complete since ther...
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