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Rhetorical Analysis of I Have a Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.

Essay Instructions:

I need you to read the article after "I Have a Dream" ML King, and then write the thesis and outline for me on December 3. Then I will show my professor that you can continue to write the essay after I Have finished it. Finally Due in Dec6. I have already sent the request, mainly after reading the article and looking at the requirements of the thesis. She asks you to choose three reasons why his speech is effective and why.

Write a 3-5 page essay on one of the topics below. Develop a clear and controlling thesis and support it with evidence from the texts. Use MLA citation and proofread for grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation, etc.

Use any of the following or other criteria: purpose; content; voice/tone; point of view; audience; motive; author's background, diction/syntax; appeals to the reader (ethos, logos, pathos); organization/structure; and figurative language (symbols, metaphors, similes, imagery, personification) and anaphora.

“I Have a Dream” ML King

Identify the common message and the rhetorical strengths of this speech. Through your analysis, determine which speech is effective and why. If you conclude that they share common thematic and rhetorical strengths, develop a thesis that supports your position and includes evidence from both texts.

Request 1: You have to choose three reasons for his speech why does his speech have influence, such as : figurative language; audience; author's organization; tone; methods of argument - pathos ethos logos.

Request 2:

I need you write thesis and outline first, due on Dec 3.Sunday. !!!

Then I showed your thesis and outline to my professor, and then I told you I needed to change it, and then you write the whole essay.

This is the requirement of thesis:



Martin Luther King's speech “I Have a Dream” is effective because he uses tone, pathos, ethos, and audience.


Why or how does the tone or rhetorical language, etc. make it more effective?

………. Is able to persuade…

………. Effectively reaches his audience by…

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetorical Analysis of I Have a Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.
On August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. Delivered one of the most iconic speeches of the 20th century at Lincoln Park Memorial. He was championing the civil rights movement which sought to bring down the legal structures promoting racism in the United States. His speech revitalized the efforts of the selfless men and women who sought to end racial segregation and since became a defining moment in the civil rights movement. His had a profound effect on the American political and judicial landscape even long into his death. MLK used figurative language and rhetorical appeals to effectively package and deliver this iconic speech.
Ethos is an appeal to credibility and authority. King drew these aspects from history. The constitution and the bible are reputable documents and he used them to establish authenticity of his speech. He drew credibility by featuring another historic moment by saying, ‘Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice...’ this assertion merged his course with a greater historic moment which happened at the very ground he was delivering his speech. He featured the constitution and declaration of independence in his speech by asserting, “When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir”. Additionally, throughout his speech he connected his speech with biblical teaching to appeal to the Christians and show that his purpose drew its power from God. By invoking the emancipation of proclamation, biblical teachings and declaration of independence, King established credibility and authority for his speech.
Pathos is the appeal to the audience’ emotions. In his speech, King engaged the audience in an emotional manner which they related to their lives. He used the example of his children and the hope he has for them in a manner that was relatable and emotional. He said, ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one da...
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